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*cough* :p
The engine in our Aygo looks like it's been pinched from a motorcycle. I'm pretty sure the Honda motorcyle inline fours are bigger...

The Polo engine is a 1.2 triple (counterbalanced short stroke) so it is essentially a motorbike engine in a car. :)

Sounds quite nice when you buzz it about, but it is of course, deathly slow. :)

And by quite nice, what I mean is... If you rag it along a wall lined road, it sounds like a slightly ill M20B25... :p
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Does look shiny.

Have you sorted out the mechanical niggles you were experiencing?

Nope, lack of time really. The handbrake was sorted that night as it wasn't really road legal without a functioning handbrake.

I've had the f/o/s wheel off with my Dad to try and get to the source of the low speed rubbing / friction 'whining' noise, couldn't see anything that could be causing it in the brakes at least. I think it is probably too late to take it back to the garage that installed the Pilot Sport 3 on that wheel...

And a plastic oil bottle cap is still in the engine bay, unless it has fallen out on its own accord :p
No as exciting as a lot of the cars in here, but we picked this up on saturday morning. 100x better than the 1.3 petrol Yaris we got rid of


Dacia Sandero Stepway with a 1.5 Renault/Nissan Turbo Diesel lump.
Gets good mileage and is essentially a budget Qashqai. Not bad for 10k brand new
Dacia Sandero Stepway with a 1.5 Renault/Nissan Turbo Diesel lump.

10k brand new

This makes me sad. :(

That black 330Ci does look nice though, I must say that I'm not a fan of the carbon & cream combination, I think carbon should only be paired with the black interior personally.
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