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It's blue wrap because the paint work is terrible :( needs a total respray but I can't afford it.

It's more for protection. I do have plans to have the entire car painted :)
That was a super top of the market car priced right up there at the top of the 172 market.

Since then its needed all of its pulleys and belts doing, and now you say it actually needs a total respray? If it had been 500 quid i would have understood, but it wasnt :confused:
Well, I'm very picky it seems.

A scratch is Devistating for me. Every new dent I get from work makes me cry inside.

I decided to have the car plastidipped and that's only £300.
Will be all one colour and protect what's remaining of the genuine colour for many years :)

Will look great!
It would probably be cheaper to just a new 172 for the cost of getting it sprayed surely? Good fun little cars though.
Tried to wrap it. Too time consuming.

It's £300 for base colour and bit more for gloss top layer.

I'm looking at orange with black roof.

It's going to look awful.

Get somebody to machine polish the existing paintwork for you, IMHO thats the best thing you can really do to it.
How is it only £300 to dip it? Everywhere i looked it was a similar price to wrapping, ie, low 4 figures at the least.
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