Mines silverstone. I bought the smoothed bumper with the OEM splitter on it - so the first pic I posted was the current set up. Make sure you check for rust inside the rear arches when you get chance. I did mine before Christmas and probably got there just in time. I looked/felt on the test drive but until you take the wheels off and power wash inside the arches you can't tell for sure..
Cleaned off & treated with a bunch of Bilt & Hamber products (Deox Gel / Hydrate 80 / Electrox / Epoxy Mastic) so hopefully it won't rust through to the outside.
There's still a workshop through the back door of the garage, that still has the upstairs as storage space. Right now it's carpeted with some old carpet from the house and has a couple of leather loungers in storage, so it's pretty much like you've described. Only with a bucket...