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GFX707 said:
Do MR2s come with those huge fans as stock on the turbo model or whatever that is? Or did you add those in yourself?

As Andy said , addon... Put them on myself bought them from rogue , bit expensive though rogue do have very excessive prices. :eek:
Hey guys, I just my new toy a few days ago.

5.7Ltr V8 LS1 - Corvette Convertable Limted Edition in LeManes Blue. Was sitting in someones garage with only 5k Miles on the clock so I just had to have it.

Pictures arent the best as i rushed them:

At the Petrol Station on a jolly from Dubai to Dibba(Oman) Camping.

Costs around 100Dhs to fill her up (15quid), that would be around 100quid to fill up in the UK.

Treated her to a pro - wax / polish job to help protect her from the heat. Changed the Air in the Run flat tyres to Nitrogen to stop them flux in heat.

Like driving a sledge hammer, proformance is brings a smile to my face everytime.
Its a bit strange because in a country full of exotic cars, she still seems to pull a lot of attention, something i wasnt used to in my Golf TDI in the uk.

People constantly want to race you (bored arabs). In two days i must have pwned 10 cars MR2's to Suped up Civics.

A BWM Z4 who gave me grief when i was plodding along minding my own business.. flashing her lights at me etc Then she went for the classic Dubai undertaking manover.. I.e pull in plant foot... So i let her draw beside me then boom opend the V8, jumped from 3k Revs to 6k Revs and went from 70mph to 120mph in a blink. After that i slowed to punish her a bit more for her cheek lol

I havent been ragging the car neither, she is much happier blasting than plodding. I see some good fun ahead with the amount of Suped up stupid exotic cars here to play with on the roads. wweeeeeeeeee

Shes good for 0-60 in around 4.5 me thinks and around 170mph. I wouldnt want any more grunt than this feels mental as it is, as the last of this model and ltd edition she gets a little tweaking and some nice toys. Sports Adjustable Suspension. Electric everything, steering wheel and seat move to let you in and out. Really funky Head up Display that puts any info you want up on the windscreen not effected by sunlight and can only be seen by the driver.

Had her doing 150mph on the Mountain road to Dibba, she gets up to speed so quickly and just dosnt want to stop pulling, but eased off as the wind started whistling through the window seal and well i was scared lol
I bought a new car today but it pales in comparison to the one above, got a Rover 200 (R reg) with 40k on the clock for £1150. Not bad but not quite that beauty above! :p
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