*Show us your pet reptiles.....*

My partner says thank you for showing me the GTP and the setup ... this is her face when she said that :mad:...

Doran I blamed it on you and this weekend I'm the new owner of this beauty :D;). CB15 Female ARU GTP.

Doran I also ordered the EVO Pro thermostat for her, how are you finding it as you said you are using one, has it been reliable and not caused any strange things to happen ?


I'm not usually a fan of reptiles but holy moly that is one amazing looking creature. Is she venomous? Or dangerous at all?

Dude I knew in South Africa had a Black Mamba in a terrarium. When it escaped they evacuated his whole townhouse complex until they found it!
I'm not usually a fan of reptiles but holy moly that is one amazing looking creature. Is she venomous? Or dangerous at all?

Dude I knew in South Africa had a Black Mamba in a terrarium. When it escaped they evacuated his whole townhouse complex until they found it!

No she's not venomous mate, she's a Python and a constrictor basically. Dangerous depends on what you class as dangerous, can it kill you (as an adult sized snake) ? No, can it hurt you ? Ohh yes and at adult size become a lot of fun to deal with if they don't tame out or become a little docile. They are snakes for people that have kept snakes for a very long time, over 10 years I would say experience with snakes from gentle snakes to nasty snakes before you get one of these Green Tree Pythons or Emerald Tree Boas and even the Amazon Tree Boas can be very nasty too. They are really treated like display animals and only handled when you really must, so think of it as fish in a aquarium if you want to keep them.

There are many types of Green Snakes that are very pretty and very easy to take care of and not nasty or as expensive as these, these are very expensive animals depending on the region they come from and you require experience with snake husbandry to keep them alive and healthy.

I will stick some really good beginner snakes up that are Green and a lot cheaper than these and become very tame and can be handled without fear of being bitten at every time you get near the enclosure. Also easy to take care of them and keep them alive and healthy.
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That was so fast!, how often do you have to feed it?
The Green Tree Python, when young you feed them once a week and as adults every 10-14 days, really depends on how active they have been and you can tell really, they normally become a lot more active and they also start Caudal luring (basically wiggling their tail like a worm or grub moving about), they do that to attract prey like birds, bats, rodents, frogs and other prey to come close enough to inspect the "worm/grub" and of course get caught and eaten by the python, there are a few snakes that do this in nature and some venomous types to do it.

Caudal luring:-

They are cheap to feed snakes that only eat mice and rats, when you get to the larger snakes and giant snakes that eat rabbits it can get a little expensive as my Burmese Python eats 2 jumbo rabbits every 2-3 weeks and sometimes even 3 rabbits at £10-£12.50 each so she costs me in feed like £35 a month but again she is 18 feet and a giant snake and not one that should be kept as a pet by anyone that doesn't understand snakes, she has the potential to kill an adult and even at 11-12 feet. Thankfully mine is a gentle giant and not once as an adult struck or bitten me.

A typical python or boa that gets to say no bigger than 6-7 foot will cost as an adult if you feed them once a week as some still need once a week £15 a month and if fed every 2 weeks as some require £7.50 a month. When young they will cost you about £6-7 a month on a once a week feed and when very young about £3-£5 a month.

They are cheaper pets than say a cat or dog to feed by a large margin. My Ragdoll cat costs me like £2 a day in feed so £60 a month.

The other great thing about reptiles snakes in particular is they are easy maintenance not like you have to feed them, water them and change their litter tray or walk them everyday. it is basically spot cleaning when they poop or pee and that happens like once a week for some snakes and up to over a month or more for some snakes. So basically can be a once a month clean up that takes 2 minutes all you do is grab a tissue and pick up the mess in that area and some of the bedding and toss it down the toilet.
Chico about to turn 18 years old soon, still amazes me each day. Now almost the length of myself!! GodZilla GodZilla! :D :D


Wow amazing (one of the best looking captive specimens I have seen in a long time, great job !), one of the few lizards I like, don't think chameleons count as I don't know one person that doesn't like them. Do the males or the females get larger and is there any colour differences between the males and females as young and adults ?
Wow amazing (one of the best looking captive specimens I have seen in a long time, great job !), one of the few lizards I like, don't think chameleons count as I don't know one person that doesn't like them. Do the males or the females get larger and is there any colour differences between the males and females as young and adults ?

It's really hard to tell them apart when they young, I thought mine was female for the first 3 years lol
It's when the males start to develop the Femoral Pores on the inside of the back legs you know you have a male.
Here is a small video of the vivarium

Paul you got your Viv hand made here for the GTP right ?

DDReptiles, David Danihel
26 Cherry Tree Walk
Barlby, YO8 5XW
North Yorkshire
United Kingdom
tel. (+44) 07934673197
email: [email protected]
web: www.ddreptiles.co.uk

Because the video David shows on his youtube page shows your Viv. Can I ask how much it cost you for the viv to be made ?

It's really hard to tell them apart when they young, I thought mine was female for the first 3 years lol
It's when the males start to develop the Femoral Pores on the inside of the back legs you know you have a male.

Well the madam of the house has said to me to stop even looking at dinosaurs and not to fall for one of them or she will get a mongoose to eat all my pets :eek::(. Well at least she's learning something :D. Very cool animal but I think one for the kids in the future to get in their own homes if they still love the idea of one as was explained they are a lot of work not like a snake.
Paul you got your Viv hand made here for the GTP right ?

DDReptiles, David Danihel
26 Cherry Tree Walk
Barlby, YO8 5XW
North Yorkshire
United Kingdom
tel. (+44) 07934673197
email: [email protected]
web: www.ddreptiles.co.uk

Because the video David shows on his youtube page shows your Viv. Can I ask how much it cost you for the viv to be made ?

yes thats the place. around 550
Damn there are some gorgeous reptiles in this thread, makes me want to get one again!

I used to keep corn snakes as a kid which reproduced by the dozen (they were both supposed to be boys!!). 2 leopard geckos which both sadly died way too young and a beardie which was such a character.

Then there was the infamous Northern Pine snake which was a grumpy old git, used to rattle its tail everytime I got near like a damn rattlesnake. We put it in a sealed tub in the attic for hibernation only for it to escape. We had heard slithering in the ceiling but dismissed it as just heating....

Jump forward a couple of years and by pure chance we were telling this story to a visiting cousin when our neighbour overheard us and put the mystery to rest. Apparently it had somehow made it way through the attic/walls of 2 terrace house and ended up in his garage and gave him the fright of his life. He quickly slammed the door and phoned a snake handler who donated it to a local children's activity centre.

I keep meaning to visit and see if it's still there.

As cool as the snakes were, there was never really any kind of bond between us so I think I would go for a lizard - I actually miss the sound of the crickets at night.
Damn there are some gorgeous reptiles in this thread, makes me want to get one again!

Get back into it, once you have the bug for it it becomes part of your life I think.

Many very cool lizards on the market now and many very cool snakes too that make better pets than a pine snake as you found out they like to pretend to be rattle snakes and have the attitude to match in most cases (I love them but again I like all types of snakes and have kept Pine snakes and re-homed them in the past from people that again found them to be a little too much for them, but not a handling snake around family or friends, most have this attitude and very rarely come across one that is super relaxed).

If you would like to get back into getting a snake, let me know will advise you best I can to what your requirements are (size of viv, handling or display snake, size of snake as an adult, etc), lizards I'm not hot on and have not lived with one so can't advise you there. The only lizard I would get is a Chameleon of some type as I just like the look of them and even the Giant Chameleon types are not that big really if you have the room for a nice display vivarium and you would probably like that as they love their insects, the one thing actually putting me off getting one is the insect issue as I would spend all my time down at the pet store which is a dangerous thing for me as I always spot new things I like :D, normally some snake.

Snakes are easy I buy like 3 months frozen mice,rats and rabbits for my monsters and saves the visits to the pet shop, but again there are many online sites now you can order live insects to your door now as well as frozen rodents.

Great example here of your average Pine Snake :-

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Suggestions on what snake to get for a 3ftx2ft viv i was thinking of getting a sand boa but any other ideas? Mate of mine has moved house and gave me a spare viv and equipment.

Will get a few pics up of my Gopher and BRB next week hopefully
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Suggestions on what snake to get for a 3ftx2ft viv i was thinking of getting a sand boa but any other ideas? Mate of mine has moved house and gave me a spare viv and equipment.

Will get a few pics up of my Gopher and BRB next week hopefully

What type of heating and thermostat have you been given ? Also is the viv a wooden one with glass sliding doors and what is the height ? Guessing 3x2x2 ?

Sand Boa are boring snakes and you will never see it unless you feed it or it decides to strike you side ways when you try to pick it up :D.

You already have a cool hiding snake the BRB for now, she will come out more as she becomes older as you know, Sand Boas naa they always will hide all the time. Lets find you something that's cool to handle and is on display more. Just let me know what the heating and thermostat you have for that viv and height ;) and snake budget.
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Yeah the viv is 3x2x2 wooden with glass aliding doors, been giving a pulse stat ceramic bulb and guard, that was my only concern about sand boas although i have seen people say theres are more active. Budget is around £200-£300 split up with the missus so they have clothes shopping as therapy i have snake buying :D
You could go for a Hog Island Boa. They're really nice snakes and males hardly ever get over 4 feet, females 6. They have a wonderful temperament too. You're looking at about £140-150 for a quality CB animal.
Yeah the viv is 3x2x2 wooden with glass aliding doors, been giving a pulse stat ceramic bulb and guard, that was my only concern about sand boas although i have seen people say theres are more active. Budget is around £200-£300 split up with the missus so they have clothes shopping as therapy i have snake buying :D

The ceramic bulb is it a 150watt or less ?
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