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BoomAM said:
Some good, well setup/spec'ed setups on here.

Dont know how some Schools afford the kit they get. I really dont.

What are you all using the Citrix servers for? Are any of them Access Gateways?

We should do another thread, called 'show us your work workstations' for all the fellow admins/network managers/techies on here. :p.

We are a technology college so have access to a good amount of money to spend on ICT. The servers were however an overdue upgrade from 3 failing servers.

We are installing 3 new dual purpose rooms (so students can have desk space and computers in the same room.) We will use thin (aka dumb) terminals and a Citrix server to do the processing per room (and load balancing over them).

If I remember I'll start one up tomorrow. :p
Yea The Citrix servers are just gunna be doing all the processing for the Thin clients.

They are stupidly loud when turned on, =/ sounds like *yes* another jet engine in the rack :D

School atm just has normal pc's connecting to the servers, there plan is to slowly change them all to thin clients *If all goes well with the 3 rooms planned*

Think we have the Biggest ICT department in the southeast *schoolwise* :D
Bug One said:
Gonna win at this one so far. Our servers are made to handle 600 simultaneous citrix sessions.

I'll post a pic tomorrow when I'm at work.

I can beat that. I would get thrown offsite if I showed you pictures. As I explained earlier.. Enterprise datacentre + photos = serious issues.

Laser402 said:
what is it with you people and worrying about posting pictures?

Im quite baffled tbh =/

Whats hard to understand?
why would you get fired?

What you scared another company might see the one rack of hardware that you took a picture of or summing?

even if they did how are they gunna benift tbh, thats what i dont understand.

hardly like your showing Mi5 nuke blueprints to korea is it....
Laser402 said:
what is it with you people and worrying about posting pictures?

Im quite baffled tbh =/

It’s akin to showing photos of bank safes, to the majority of people it’s harmless and interesting. But the protocol is there in case someone is thinking about breaking in and grabbing / sabotaging the equipment.
I can understand why some people are nervous, but it is a bit daft.

I can't see any security risk by taking a picture of a server. Its just a big black box with a load of flashy lights. Its not like you're going to post the address of the server and admin login details with it. :p
I could win this one but as above, no pictures are forthcoming.

5000'ish boxes and counting including lots of blades and some 15k action plus lots of DMX2/3 to handle the storage..

p.s. not one bit of Dell kit in sight ;)
I've been in hundreds of data centers over the years, for hundreds of companies.

No company wants pictures of their data center posted anwhere. Even the act of taking a picture can mean instant dismissal. It's the heart of their data, the most sensitive area in a building. I've had to do some silly things to get into some places and seen some tight security!

There is always the potential that something sensitive can be seen. Even the sight of a certain vendor can be bad. 'Oh, xyz use nobrand servers, they're inferiour to our HP. Let's make sure the customers know we only use top tier vendors'.

If you run the place, that's fine. You call the shots. If not be very careful!
Vanilla said:
There is always the potential that something sensitive can be seen. Even the sight of a certain vendor can be bad. 'Oh, xyz use nobrand servers, they're inferiour to our HP. Let's make sure the customers know we only use top tier vendors'.

I can see the problem here, but still I havent seen a datacentre picture with the company details written all over the servers. I kinda have the same view as 'Bug One'

But hey, the last thing I want is to put someone out of a Job for taking a picture so all is well :D just nice to see some images ;)
I dont have a rack.. the closest i ever came is my old compaq proliant (yeah screw your dells and stuff its all about the compaq)

dual psu. quad cpu. a tiny bit too loud for my bedroom as well so i had to shift it.. was fun while it lasted.. also weighed carp loads.. not fun to move around by yourself..

Certainly we label all our servers with their DNS names and some other details, they also display the datacenter code in the DNS name (server1.the1 for instance being in our first suite in telehouse east). Thats all information I'd rather not have too many people know.

There are also several products we sell (hosted iSCSI for instance) where I'd rather competitors didn't know what hardware we used to provide it.

Another big no in my book though is firewalls, not so much brands (though I wouldn't advertise the presence of some brands) but model details let anybody who might fancy working trying an attack know the kind of throughput you have.

I'm happy posting pictures of labs to an extent (there is also kit in the lab I'd rather people didn't know what we used though) but not production environments.
Laser402 said:
Hey there is nothing wrong with those '2bit' dell servers.

Running our school (Trifid's and myn) with around 600+ nodes and no downtime =D

Only ever tried HP's printers, and those Sucked! ;]

I Dont like Dell but for what you get for your money its not a bad choice =]

They're cheap for a reason, I've had every major server brand in the lab simultaneously to compare reliability and performance. It was tight between HP and IBM which was best but the easy conclusion was that Dell didn't come close to either.

We went for HP because when I call them with a problem, I have an engineer on site within 6 hours, Dell only seem interested in getting you to run diagnostic tools for days on end. I don't have time for that and HP get things fixed quickly, it was an easy decision in the end.

We have about 500 servers deployed, mostly in our London datcenters but 80 or so in Reading for resiliency. We see 5-10 failures in an average month, usually split between failed disks and the odd power supply. Add on 7 IP SANs for data storage for various apps and about £1 million of core MPLS routers and thats our datacenter kit...
Laser402 said:
Hey there is nothing wrong with those '2bit' dell servers.

Running our school (Trifid's and myn) with around 600+ nodes and no downtime =D

Only ever tried HP's printers, and those Sucked! ;]

I Dont like Dell but for what you get for your money its not a bad choice =]

Dell are cheap.

Cheap and "Business Critical" do not go together, especially if you want to keep your job. I have only ever bought 3 items from Dell, and 2 of them broke.
Every PC/Laptop/server I have bought is HP, and only 1 server went wrong, and the guy was out the next day to repair (Wasn't even a critical problem!) and one desktop was DOA and replaced the next day.
They are the worlds biggest PC/server manufacturer for a reason.

As for Printers, they make some of the finest Laserjets known to man, we have a 10 year old HP laserjet that has done well over 1,000,000 prints and is still going strong.

Our Epsons died long ago.

The only exception to our hardware is networking, where Cisco is your friend :) and UPS's, which are all APC.
What are all your lots views on Dells for workstations?
From a price standpoint, for companines with limited budgets, they cant really be beaten can they?

Baz said:
As for Printers, they make some of the finest Laserjets known to man, we have a 10 year old HP laserjet that has done well over 1,000,000 prints and is still going strong.

Our Epsons died long ago.
We have nothing but problems with our HP Printers. But they do get a good hammering. We have the 2600s as the colours and about 3-4 different Black/Whites, all regularly jam, run out of toner, random errors, ect;
We've started buying Brother 2700s/Brother 5270s and they have been almost perfect for us. Touch wood, thus far no jams, only one toner replacement in the 2 months we've had them (and that was on the most used printer we have). Pretty impressed.
Oh well, HP have served us well, have about 12 printers and all are hassle free and cheap to run. Our Photocopiers are Canon though, and they get the most hammer...

If they are not serviced properly and regularly any printer will cause you hassle ;)

Dell as workstations?

Personally I wouldn't use them to stand on open the window that I was going to throw them out of. Other makes are as cheap as Dell when you compare them like for like.

Shop around, you would be surprised.
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