Show us your TFT setups!!


Here's my current setup - excuse the fugly case, it's just a temporary one while I am short on money.

Will update when I get my other two Hyundais and new case in January :D

(click for full 10 megapixel versions):

Excuse the image quality, I'll post better pictures when I have a better camera.

Clicky for biggy.

I might also take some of the rest of the work area when it's a bit tidier :D
My Dell 24" and 20.1" Lcd's (Sorry for the poor pics, used a camera phone)

Ah yes, that was my other plan for matching a smaller monitor to the 2407WFP, in the end I went for the cheaper option. All I'm waiting for now is a decent rig to do them justice, my 7600GS really can't hack it :P
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