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Currently my own work is just trying to pick up some c++ before going into second year of CS. Doing the tutorials, anyone have any experience of these?

Would mind using this opportunity to ask if pointers are used widely when people are writing c++ commerically? Haven't came across them before in languages I've used previously.
Working on a simple 2D map editor to hopefully make a tile-based RTS or top-down shooter later on.

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What will you make the game with? Because thats the kind of thing i do with Flash games.

I usually use C++ and OpenGL+FMOD. (I used GLUT & GLUI for the editor interface so I might look for a nicer library elsewhere later on!)

I hadn't thought about using another language but that might be quite a good idea actually. I've just finished Uni where we used C++ exclusively for graphics modules so it would be cool to try something else :cool:.
I hadn't thought about using another language but that might be quite a good idea actually. I've just finished Uni where we used C++ exclusively for graphics modules so it would be cool to try something else :cool:.

Well if you ever try another language you might want to consider Flash :)... the major advantage is that the game/content can run in any web browser of course, but you can also compile to an Adobe AIR app file with a few mouse clicks, and AIR is cross-platform and runs on any desktop OS and some phone OS's like Android and iOS (but AIR has to be installed). So you make the game once without having to make loads of different versions for each OS.

Heres an Android game i'm making using AIR. It uses physics and you control a ball through a maze by tilting the phone...


Thats a shot of it running on my Samsung Galaxy S2 (it's nowhere near finished btw). The only disadvantage is that AIR isn't as fast as C++ or an OS's native language but performance is still good and on Android it's GPU accelerated :cool:
Is C++ not the fastest language around, thus making it the first choice when creating games?

depends on the game, not everything needs extreme performance and a higher level language can make the development time and costs cheaper ;)

I'm coding my space game in Python which will run on Linux/OSX/Windows - but looking at porting it to Unity, which will open up iOS/Android and browsers via Flash. (That would then be coded in JavaScript)
I agree, low contrast and small font makes it difficult, where is the website also?

Website is coming, trying to juggle putting it up with work at the moment.

just getting a placeholder page up to make sure my markup/ coding is ok.
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