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Yeah thats actually one of the things i've got to add to it if I keep the Google Maps implementation, initially the idea was that it would update as you physically moved around with your mobile.

You can actually pull in more photos on by changing the url params, if you go to it will search a 5000 meter radius and do up to 10 time based requests.

But this usually pulls in LOTS of photos :D so be warned!
Its good to see some innovation on here. Nowadays its pretty difficult to come up with something that someone hasn't already done. Good job :)
Were you able to achieve this?

Oh yeah it's simple navigator.geolocation.watchPosition() fires every time the lat/lng changes. I've just been focusing on finding the right UI for it first.

Its good to see some innovation on here. Nowadays its pretty difficult to come up with something that someone hasn't already done. Good job :)

Cheers, although this is nothing new really but it is really interesting way of interacting with data.
It may not be new, but it is something that isn't common.


is the above done in javascript - which language?
Are there APIs available for many different languages?
It may not be new, but it is something that isn't common.


is the above done in javascript - which language?
Are there APIs available for many different languages?

Correct that's native JavaScript and is support on any WebKit based browser, i'm not sure about other languages but would be pretty sure that iOS & Android would have similar APIs. As for server side unless you using Node.js or some form of web socket I doubt you would be able to get true geolocation without JS as it's client side at the end of the day :D
A dreadfully long time has passed since I've had any time to work on the site. Ive re written it after I relised my HTML and CSS was pretty shoddy (I'm not a web designer, this is my first and only website, so its likely still got some errors in there).

Its sooooo close to being finished though now, I can almost taste it. Just content to do which is mostly going to be pulled from our marketing library. The projects all point to a template file which is blank (updated this week)

Anyway, updated
Its my mums 60th birthday in about 2 weeks and her cat died a bout 2 months ago. With her liking the 60's (and her party is a 60's themed party) i thought a Pop Art style version of a picture of her cat might might a nice little gift for her. As said earlier i'm not great in photoshop so it could probably be a lot better but anyone got any advice (or praise!) of it as it is at the moment?

I don't get that. You seem to have made a website that replicates BBC News but in larger font :p.

It is part of a new project to produce responsive design sites, look at the web page on tablets and phones, there are other companies, including facebook, who are going along this path.
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