just finished and launched my new website. www.eddnichols.co.uk
I made one of them video things at work! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VERi50c8ks&hd=1
Thats pretty good. How long did it take you to come up with that?
Currently in the process of creating my first website. Here's what i have got so far
I just need to figure out how to layout the database for it (needs to hold jailbreak information for each version of iOS on each apple device), create the drop down boxes, put some ads in and submit it to search engines.
Hey buddy, have a look at the html5boilerplate for a good basis for a new website. You also want to try to avoid using tables and inline styles for the layout of a website. Have a look at just using CSS based layouts.
Good advice here. Twitter Bootstrap is also a pretty good framework.
http://www.atik-cameras.com/products/info/atik-383l-pluswhat is a 383?
CCD module; i'm guessing Nick is working on a OSX app for it.
Hey buddy, have a look at the html5boilerplate for a good basis for a new website. You also want to try to avoid using tables and inline styles for the layout of a website. Have a look at just using CSS based layouts.
Good advice here. Twitter Bootstrap is also a pretty good framework.
Twitter bootstrap is rocking my socks at the moment, Im just a little worried it might be a little involved to start with. Saying that, for a generic-ish looking webapp like he is building it may be perfect. Responsive is the future.
Only thing that I find a bit strange about the twitter bootstrap is the sites they are showing as examples of it in action. They don't seem to use it very well at all...
Thanks for the advice guys, i'll have a look into Twitter bootstrap.
There are no tables in the site as i have been using divs styled using external CSS. I'm aiming for a minimalistic look.
By the way, where does the Twitter bootstrap file get saved after it is downloaded?
<table width="1000" border="0">
<td width="232"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="235"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="235"> </td>
<td width="10"> </td>
<td width="238"> </td>
<tr><!--Rounded Box 1-->
<td height="119" style="border:0; border-color:#FFF"> <div id="rbox1"><h3>Which apple device do you own?</h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum magna sit ut lobortis taciti dapibus, ut dapibus ipsum eros aliquam molestie, lorem eu arcu fusce fames fermentum felis in vivamus blandit gravida.
Hmm, I hate to break it to you but you have tables in there...
Code:<table width="1000" border="0"> <tbody><tr> <td width="232"> </td> <td width="10"> </td> <td width="235"> </td> <td width="10"> </td> <td width="235"> </td> <td width="10"> </td> <td width="238"> </td> </tr> <tr><!--Rounded Box 1--> <td height="119" style="border:0; border-color:#FFF"> <div id="rbox1"><h3>Which apple device do you own?</h3> <p>Lorem ipsum magna sit ut lobortis taciti dapibus, ut dapibus ipsum eros aliquam molestie, lorem eu arcu fusce fames fermentum felis in vivamus blandit gravida.
Have you downloaded the file to your machine? Is there any documentation contained in the download?
I have downloaded the file to my pc. There's just a "CSS", "IMG" and "JS" folder left after i extracted the zip.
Nothing special, just a Battlelog Viewer I made in about 20 minutes.
If you want it, just give me a shout.