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I tried to play last night but I had drunk a fair amount, I played it for about 10 mins, wasn't doing too bad actually considering I had no co-ordination, then I fell asleep, I will be on tonight though :)
Was fun yesterday, albeit complicated and confusing. Can someone explain the objectives?

If attacking then your squad will be assigned something to attack, it will usually be a flashing red icon on the mini map on the top right of the screen, though usually its take out the bunkers.

Anyone else think that the turrets on the bunkers are overpowered? some ppl will just sit in them the whole map shooting
Anyone else think that the turrets on the bunkers are overpowered? some ppl will just sit in them the whole map shooting

Yes they are very tough to kill but with people with improved rpgs they go down quite quick.
One of those things where unorganised attack makes defence really easy.

I was saying to a mate loastnight defending is easy for people new to a game, all you have to do is kill people near the big red box on the map. attacking takes more effort and a plan.
Could people hear me on the odd occasion I said something yesterday? :p

Asked a couple of questions that were replied to with silence. :D

Like, the first rifle you get with the scope. Is there anyway to steady it? It's useless at long range atm due to how much it moves after the first shot and it never seems to give a headshot kill.
Sniper rifle is loadout 2, which can then be upgraded when you lvl up in the barracks skills, im currently doing the assualt as i found the sniper rifle isnt good for attack whne there is loads of ppl playing.

Edit: Yep skippi just upgrade the skills theres 1 for scope wandering but need to spend so much points in the previous tier to open it.
My guys been set up as assualt (think im at the 3rd bit of it) and support(maxed). Is the 4x scope for the assault rifle any good, its pretty rare that I get out ranged, plusI dont know if I can afford it with my current loadout.

Thinking about going along the heavy(?) string to get the advanced RPG, but again I dont know how much it'll cost along with my other equipment and I dont want to switch to light armor as Ive no idea how much less dmg resistance it gives, plus it makes you look like a 30 somthing skater/BMXer.
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My guy at the moment is a total mish mash of all sorts so I can have a go at everything and see what I like best. The points spent on medic seem to be useless as nobody ever dies close enough to me so I think repair/engineer is the next avenue. Things are always getting blown up which are supposedly repairable so I will try that. I do like the idea of the RPG thing though otherwise escaping vehicles are practically invulnerable.
Medic revive is great if you're playing on a squad who knows to wait (last night had one squad who were actually getting annoying with their revive requests, no I'm not going to run 40m across in the open to revive you). Even if you're on a fairly quiet squad, just stick close to them (easier when attacking as defenders tend to spread out) and when they die youve usually got a few seconds to revive them before they mash x to bleedout, a revive or two later and they'll learn to wait for you.

Im sure as people play it more and realise that waiting 3-4 seconds to see if theres a medic nearby heading towards you is better than the possible 20+ second respawn plus how ever long walk to the front, plus for exp it isnt to shabby.
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When I'm next on (probably in a week due to being away on a course) I'll grab the advanced first aid upgrade, then beef up my rpg.
I think it's a bit daft that an armoured car can withstand 3 x rpg hits without being obliterated, regardless of it being the standard rpg launcher.
I've had fireworks which would do more damage.
I think it's a bit daft that an armoured car can withstand 3 x rpg hits without being obliterated.

Thats what I first thought with the rpg damage, but considering there will usually be a atleast 5-10 people with RPGs who at the first sight of an APC will make it their prime target. I guess they've been made tough enough to not get immediately destroyed.

Even though I gave me key away (!!) is this a lot like BF2 on the PC in terms of scale and classes?

The scale is much more epic in my opinion, much more focused on squad/infantry and support, classes its all customisable (though similar I guess to the fixed roles BF classes) as you rank up you get points to spend on 'upgrades' and skills.

But back to coursework reading, im posting too much in this thread... :(
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I have the 4x scope on my assualt on the new tier 3? gun, it already has a foregrip quipped on it so i didnt need to buy it, also remeber that the scope increases accuracy, not sure if it works unscoped?
Not sure I agree with a comments made here about not feeling a true sense of being in a 256 player game. Obviously, they aren't up atm but few days ago when it was you def do get the full 256 player experience!

The fact your squad has a specific objective isn't an issue. Just look on the map and you'll see 128 blue dots and the 4 directions the enemy are coming in from. At first, I thought the game cheekily split the map up into sections and you and a certain percentage of players were defined to one specific area. However, I ran about and realised you can truly go anywhere and therefore this is proper 256 player stuff. No cheap tricks.

Also, anyone tried the bipod yet for sniper rifle? That is one brilliant attachment option and the first game I can recall to ever incorporate it in this manner. You deploy it and essentially get no recoil. I got about 12 kills in a row with it.
Damn just unlocked the RPG Mark II and it isnt much better :S It is locks onto targets which is handy though (even though the description says unguided)

Only used the MG-bipod (not even used a sniper rifle yet) and yeah its pretty useful, though kinda annoying that you cant set it up on barriers etc only by going prone.
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