Significant age gaps in relationships

I honestly don't believe it matters what the age difference is. As long as it's legal then it's fine by me. I also don't see it is anyone's concern or reason for debate, other than the people in the relationship.

Of course people can fall in love for all the wrong reasons, but that happens no matter what the age.

I am not sure why people have something against old/young partners. I always thought it was really weird in Doctor Who when Billie Piper and the Doctor decided to discontinue their affection towards each other when the Doctor changed in to an older form. He was still 900 years old, he didn't suddenly become 1650 so what difference did it make? Too much for the BBC it seems.

I personally find as I get older I am just not interested in anyone too young and I am sure older people feel the same way about me. Although people grow up at different speeds, I feel way too out of touch with someone say at 16.
I think I've always been the older person in the relationship.

I think an age gap can work, but only if both people are from a similar era. I think people born growing up in a post-2000 era have no concept of life pre-2000. They don't appreciate the struggle.

I'm 43 now. I couldn't imagine dating a 20 to 30 year old. That is a crazy time in most peoples lives of self discovering.

I can understand an age gap as a novelty. But not for anything serious. It sounds like your friend as been smitten with a young lady flashing her set to him.. (teeth I mean ;)) and it's gone to his head.
I don't think age matters too much, but when you get beyond about 20 years difference it might be a problem. I'm 32 and my girlfriend is 18 years younger, but we make it work.
I don't think age matters too much, but when you get beyond about 20 years difference it might be a problem. I'm 32 and my girlfriend is 18 years younger, but we make it work.

I'm sorry, your girlfriend is 14? How on Earth do you "make that work"?
Tell that to the 50yr old trying to bang a 17yr old... It's legal... I'm sure the parents might not think it's that cool.

They may not approve but at 17 there is little they can do about it ( unless they consider it abusive ). That's really what the age of consent is for. It's not to stop 15 year olds having relationships it is there to stop older people taking advantage of younger people. At 16 you are deemed wise enough to look after yourself in relationships.
This is also a fair point. Another friend who is in his early 50s went online to look at all the single women his age and said they were all "disgusting". I sympathise.
Had to laugh at this. Your mate thinking he's a 50-year-old Adonis whilst all the women his age are revolting :rolleyes::p
My wife is 12yrs older than me, so perhaps I buck the trend here. I was early 20s when we met and she was really good for me and helped me grow up a lot faster than I would have otherwise, which has me in a good position now. We have a wonderful daughter and are really happy. It does help that she is aging incredibly well and people often think she's the same age or younger than me. Long may it last!

I'd have no interest in some 20yr old. They'd drive me mad and she'd probably think I was a boring old fart.
Age is just a number at the end of the day it comes to the maturity of both of the people in the relationship. I married my wife after 3 years of being together. She's 17 and I'm 32. We haven't seen each other much lately due to covid and me being on tag, but once this covid is over and she's been ungrounded we won't look back. If covid had taught us anything it's just to go for it.
Age is just a number at the end of the day it comes to the maturity of both of the people in the relationship. I married my wife after 3 years of being together. She's 17 and I'm 32. We haven't seen each other much lately due to covid and me being on tag, but once this covid is over and she's been ungrounded we won't look back. If covid had taught us anything it's just to go for it.

Electronic tag?

Have her parents grounded her for not doing her homework?

Also... 17yrs - 3 years together = 14yrs old. So you were dating a 14 year old while you were 29?
I can't wait for the usual "alpha male" rubbish to get posted again. The "incel" crap should be along shortly too.

My wife is slightly older than me, always had a thing for MILFs.
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