Siliconslave's how to make espresso thread

isn't there a new rage of Sage coffee machines coming online in January with some sort of tamping system to give u the "perfect" tamp ?
@ristac I don't see the added value/cost justification of the Touch over the BE.

I watched the demo video on that link and I don't agree with grinding based on time over weight. Nor would I want to tamp and then use that blade (both tamper and blade come with the BE just so you know).
The touch screen, the profiles and custom drinks all seem pointless to me.

How much of a coffee enthusiast are you? Which beans do you typically use and how do you make coffee at the moment?

@Btone do you mean like the BE Impress? I have relatives with one and I'm not sold on it. Rather have control over my own tamping. Steam wand looked better than mine though.
isn't there a new rage of Sage coffee machines coming online in January with some sort of tamping system to give u the "perfect" tamp ?
Self leveling tamp ftw, 100 consistent and removes another variable. I've had about 3 or 4 different ramps over the years/decades but I've not thought about ramping since I got a self leveling one.

The Timemore or the Lagos Mini looks to be a good buy, then go v60 for a while and get an espresso machine of your choice when the time comes.
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The Timemore or the Lagos Mini looks to be a good buy, then go v60 for a while and get an espresso machine if your choice when the time comes.
Watched that earlier today. Timemore is added to my shortlist to get away from the BE grinder.
I watched the demo video on that link and I don't agree with grinding based on time over weight.

Totally, grinding by time is nonsense, different size bean and different roasts grind very differently, some will be super fast, some super slow!

Tamping wise, level is the main thing, well that and clumps...
How much of a coffee enthusiast are you? Which beans do you typically use and how do you make coffee at the moment?
I’m not an enthusiast, my taste has changed as I’ve got older, I’ve had some birthday money sitting in a drawer for the best part of a year to get myself something nice and I fancy experimenting with a coffee machine.

I used to be an instant coffee drinker, then Tassimo pods, now a coffee shop Latte or cappuccino once a day, sometimes a black coffee.

Ive been reading up on the beans and how superior they are to your Costa type ones, I’ll probably drink two cups a day, rest of the family another two coffees between them
people want gizmos on their espresso machine - auto-tampers ... latest Bezerras have ambiance led lights on the side walls, but probably looks similar inside to my 2007 machine.

brain Sage DTP's are available recon'd £150 on the regular ebay seller

e: but if father xmas has one going spare.
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Out of that lot, the 2nd gen DF64. But only when my Mignon MkII packs up. Been an absolute workhorse over the years. The Eureka in that vid would be second choice, but I feel that its their attempt to copy the nice without being sued for copyright infringement. Baratza Sette I wouldn't touch with a barge pole, especially now that sage/breville make them.
Having had a D’longhi Autentica 520SB Bean to Cup for about 3.5yrs now I am feeling an urge to move away. I just feel it isn’t giving me the experience I want from fresh beans I purchase and I think we’d all agree here that this is a common observation with these machines.

I always needed convenience first thing in the morning before dashing out for work but my expectations have changed and I feel I want more from both my beans and how I create an espresso.

This means going the separates route for a grinder and an espresso machine. I was thinking of a Baratza Encore paired with a Dlonghi Dedica to start me off with. Not sure about what scales to use just yet.

The biggest issue I have is counter space, or lack of it hence the Autentica bean to cup machine purchase as it is very narrow.

Edit: Sage Bambino Plus purchased, and for the grinder I am looking at the Fellow Opus or Baratza Encore ESP as my starting point.
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Yeah, I see Origin are doing 20% coffee until the 31st but nothing on equipment.
I got the email this morning too. Received a couple of discount offers yesterday but I bought a load during BF which I've not yet started. It's frustrating not being able to buy coffee when a limited time discount arrives in your inbox, because I bought too much last time round and I don't want any of my coffee going stale.
I got the email this morning too. Received a couple of discount offers yesterday but I bought a load during BF which I've not yet started. It's frustrating not being able to buy coffee when a limited time discount arrives in your inbox, because I bought too much last time round and I don't want any of my coffee going stale.
Can you portion it out and freeze it? Would keep you going well into the new year.
Got a 1zpresso X-Pro S grinder for Christmas. Just had my first cup from it through the aeropress and it was lovely. Good thing is it will only get better from here as that was a very quick grind without anything dialled in.
1zpresso make great grinders, my go to is the K-Ultra. I use it with my Picopresso, but it easily changes for Aeropress and back. I also have the Q2 in work, purely for Aeropress though.
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