SimCity V (2013) - screens/artwork and information

Pre-ordered from Z (not sure if allowed to mention on here, keep forgetting) with 5% discount code off a voucher site for new signups, making it £29 :)

It's £18 from Indian places.

That screenshot represents the full map size? Only going by the dotted line boundary.

A full city, yeah, it should be called SimTown. :p

You can of course own multiple cities and link them.
Ive never played Sim City before, i do like the look of this though and from watching youtube beta videos im pretty convinced ill get it. Couple of questions though, is the city in the beta the largest you can get? I know there has been lots of complaints about the smaller map sizes but im unsure if the beta size is a smaller scale than the final game.

Other thing, does anyone know if you can ditch the residential side of your city? I mean if you made your city a huge tourist attraction, would it be possible to concentrate purely on commerce based on the income from tourists rather than people living there? I just think that it would make a more interesting city as the space you would need for housing could be replaced by more cool attractions and shops. Its probably something you wouldn't find out until the game is released i guess, but was it possible in the previous games?

1st question, don't know yet :p I hope not!

2nd, You could do that in SC4, have for example an industrial town without houses and then the neighbouring town could be without and the workers could live there. Looked cool on the region map when it was all filled up and connected.
I don't know how much tourist-y stuff is included this time though so depends if there would be enough stuff to fill your town up with :D
I didn't get a Beta key as I was meant to for pre-ordering, so I contacted orgin support through live chat and they gave it me there.

How do you contact live chat? I have tried calling EA to change my Origin email address (can't do it online apparently) and cannot get through.

Also about Sim City, is there or will there be a way to turn off that blur effect when you scroll and zoom? It's rather annoying and you tend to lose focus on things when you scroll fast.
Was sent a key, logged in and waited for the download. Took a little while, but had no issues getting on. Played most sat evening and this morning. Was too conservative in the beginning, struggled to get 8k citizens, by this morning I came in at 29,971. I cannot prove this as the screenshot was set to remove the UI.

Here is the last pic I took. Off the screen to the right is a coal power station and 2 sewage outlets, off screen on the left is just Industrial zones. All that space left is a crime, but just ran out of time.

Overall I enjoyed it. I realise it's a beta and played it as such, (trying to get things to break etc). I hope the maps are bigger in the near future and at no cost, but then again I always hope this week will be my numbers, never happens though.

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Haha Deathwish, one of the comments on the Reddit post made me chuckle... referring to how the SC2000 advisor would react to having so many roads! Just had a blast on SC4 to satisfy my need to play SC5 and that's all I ever got from my city assistants... The road guy moaning about traffic, grrrr.

Either way, I really cannot wait to play SC5. After playing the Beta earlier day it looks like it's got massive potential. Really, really looking forward to it! :)
People enjoying it then?
I like this little review thing.

I haven't pre ordered yet but I will be. However EA need to die. Always on Internet connection. :rolleyes:
I hope someone cracks that, that means for those of us who'll play on laptop/tablet we need to tether to a mobile when were out and about.
They sorted out the login problems around 10ish so I was able to get back in and have a few more games (finished up about 3am).

Most of my cities ended up the same way; massive industrial zones on one side, massive residential zones on the other, and a big commercial zone in the middle. With the limited options open in the beta it was kind of a given.

I had a go at running the two cities together but never managed to get it working well. Looking back I can see how I'd get it done, but at the time it was too much bother to put the effort in. If I could have another go now I think I'd be able to get it working. With all the options unlocked I can see a lot of potential playing about with a multi-city setup.

Can't wait to get stuck in, roll on march :)
I got a Beta 2 code yesterday and spent a couple of hours playing it. Looks promising.

Other than the utterly abysmal DRM it looks like EA haven't managed to completely kill it ... yet. £65 is taking the proverbial though.
Just seen a YT vid from OsirisLPS. Guy narrowly missed out on 80,000 population. Reckon he's played before !:D

As for the online thing, seems to be that the cities you play locally, sync with your cities on their servers. The game rules (that prevent cheating)are on the servers. At least thats how a maxis guy explained... I think
I haven't pre ordered yet but I will be. However EA need to die. Always on Internet connection. :rolleyes:
I hope someone cracks that, that means for those of us who'll play on laptop/tablet we need to tether to a mobile when were out and about.

I don't think it will be, apparently a lot of the "computing" for the game is done by EA's cloud servers... Whether that's just an excuse for the DRM, or whether it's true remains to be seen, I guess!
I also got into the beta, enjoyed what I played but with these games I always seem to enjoy it while its still simple... then as soon as there's a lot on my plate I talk myself out of turning it on again lol.

Maybe I'll just build a fishing village in the corner of the map :P
If I'm under the right impression, you can invite friends to build on your region? Maybe it'd be worth discussing getting an OcUK region set up so we can specialise in certain things... and basically go about building the grandest, bestest, brightest, brilliantest, awesomest region known to the universe?

Worth a thought!
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