SimCity V (2013) - screens/artwork and information

I like it, and I hate it.

The scale is simply wrong imho, there are too little houses and too much going on.
The neighborhoods are to small, there are too little houses, everything needs to be scaled up about 4x imho.

4x more houses to fill a neighborhood or a road with cars, more of everything...

I love the visual data displays.
I like how it runs well and looks okay.
I like how you can follow a single sim/car/whatever around.
I hope to see the engine being modded or used in a different way to make it more of a simulation like Sc4, instead of more like a sims game.

The map also easily needs to be about, erm, 10x as large...
To get at least the size we had in Sc4 on large maps.

EDIT: That's from watching the video posted a bit up, I haven't tried it myself...
In the latest issue (April) of Custom PC magazine there is a two page advert for SimCity which says "Available March 8th"... so there you have it!

That is not to say of course that some on-line 'etailers' may well ship it out a day or two early, so as to ensure that their customers will receive it on the actual release day.

Yeah the place I order from always get it to me a day early BUT the activation will not open till the guessing? So getting the box early really will not mean anything
After watching the review video a few posts up I really wouldn't mind playing this. Wish it was on Steam though (and a little cheaper). Will see how much time I have come release day.
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Im gonna guess this will be like the transition from CIv 4 to 5.
Initially i thought why have they destroyed my beloved game but after a few games and wasted hours it feels and plays very nice.

It still doesn't quite look right though from all of these screens and videos.
Always connected to the internet and a ridiculous price tag.... I predict this will be the most pirated game of 2013 on PC.
^^ Nice find, I don't mind that price at all :cool:

So how does shipping work with that site?
Haha, absolutely no idea. I'm guessing you would get shipped the Jewel Case game then redeem the key through Origin if you wanted digital download. Maybe send them an e-mail explaining you want shipping internationally and see what they say?

EDIT: I found 2 other sites selling the game but it seems that all only ship within India.
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Would origin allow this, you need an always on connection. Would you need an Indian VPN all the time, with a separate origin account with an Indian address.
Here's a couple screens of my city I made before the beta ended, happy enough with the outcome despite the tornado!



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