sims 2

He died on his mid-air platform. :(


Originally posted by scherzo
I got this boy suspended on a platform in mid-air

then he gave birth to an alien baby ;|


There is some weird stuff in this game...

lol i was well confused when i first went on strangeville, i rang that dude when i was inviting loads of people out and he said "i cant because im pregnent" i had to quit the house i was on and go over to that one to work out if it was male or female

very strange in strangeville
Can you still use the same cheats in this game, such as "move_objects on/off" ?
Has a money cheat come out yet? The sims is way more fun with unlimited cash ;)
for money press ctrl-shift-c that brings up console then type kaching.

if u type that first then press enter then spell it wrong press enter u can just keep pressing up cursor to find the right spelling then all u goto do is keep pressing up enter, can get money very fast
i get directx 9.0c graphics card not found lol

so looks like i won't be playing it for a while even if my graphics card is a 9800pro, anyone else get this problem?
Originally posted by Jabbs
for money press ctrl-shift-c that brings up console then type kaching.

if u type that first then press enter then spell it wrong press enter u can just keep pressing up cursor to find the right spelling then all u goto do is keep pressing up enter, can get money very fast

type motherlode for 50K
My GF loves this...

She cant stop playing it.. I even upgraded her PC just for this reason.

Not my cuppa to be honest, but each to their own!
Originally posted by TheBolian
Thats convinced me there must be SOMETHING with the 6800 drivers.

running the sims 2 at 1280x768 with aax2
on with a fx5900 ultra with no problems
*tap tap tap on wood*
with no slowdown everything on high...
screen shot below...using 56.72 nvidia
drivers on a 3.2 p4 with 1024mb ram@400mhz

I've got the girlfriend besides me at the moment and she's loving it.
Best £35 I've spent in a while as it's obviously entertaining her well.
BTW - she actually wants the anti-blur patch if somebody has it?
And no, I don't mean I want it and I'll attempt to disguise the request as one from the other half!
How do you change your sims clothes once you have got him up and running?

Also you guys wanna check out the alien ware you can get from


:p green and black aswell!

You have to go to town and buy games :D

I have SSX 3 And sims rush hour i think.

Still dunno how to change clothes after you have started your family :(
Originally posted by Dan_the_man

You have to go to town and buy games :D

I have SSX 3 And sims rush hour i think.

Still dunno how to change clothes after you have started your family :(

buy a dresser i think (wardrobe)
Originally posted by Dan_the_man

You have to go to town and buy games :D

I have SSX 3 And sims rush hour i think.

Still dunno how to change clothes after you have started your family :(

You have to go to a store (one of the community lots)* and buy the clothes. Then make sure you have a wardrobe or dresser (whatever it's called) and you can plan an outfit to pick your new clothes or change into your formal clothes etc.

*330 Main St. in Pleasantview. (Phone for a taxi to travel to it).
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One of my fave features is you can use your own AVI files for the TV just had a little party
bouncing around to an N-Trance video

Anyone else get the free screensaver maker for completing the little survey?
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Originally posted by hrapter
running the sims 2 at 1280x768 with aax2
on with a fx5900 ultra with no problems
*tap tap tap on wood*
with no slowdown everything on high...
screen shot below...using 56.72 nvidia
drivers on a 3.2 p4 with 1024mb ram@400mhz

You have a 5900 - not a 6800.
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