Originally posted by scherzo
I got this boy suspended on a platform in mid-air
then he gave birth to an alien baby ;|
There is some weird stuff in this game...
Originally posted by Jabbs
for money press ctrl-shift-c that brings up console then type kaching.
if u type that first then press enter then spell it wrong press enter u can just keep pressing up cursor to find the right spelling then all u goto do is keep pressing up enter, can get money very fast
Originally posted by TheBolian
Thats convinced me there must be SOMETHING with the 6800 drivers.
Originally posted by Dan_the_man
You have to go to town and buy games
I have SSX 3 And sims rush hour i think.
Still dunno how to change clothes after you have started your family
Originally posted by Dan_the_man
You have to go to town and buy games
I have SSX 3 And sims rush hour i think.
Still dunno how to change clothes after you have started your family
Originally posted by hrapter
running the sims 2 at 1280x768 with aax2
on with a fx5900 ultra with no problems
*tap tap tap on wood*
with no slowdown everything on high...
screen shot below...using 56.72 nvidia
drivers on a 3.2 p4 with 1024mb ram@400mhz