Skate 2

1 Apr 2008
I'm not sure what i think of the skate 2 demo so far, it doesn't quite feel the same as the first... in a bad way...

Don't get me wrong its still good and i'll be buying it on release. The new features like the footplant tricks and handplants are nicely done (although the footplants don't work quite as well as i hoped) but the walking and moving objects is very clumsy and will take a lot of getting use to.
11 Nov 2004
Nah I think they will be much more. Skate 1 was like this on the demo, looked jagged, rough. But when it came out (full game) all of it was ironed out. And the demo dropped on Live about 2-3 weeks before.

However, normally at the begining of pre-release demo's it will say "This is an early release and does not represent the final game" blah blah.

This doesn't, it simply says something about being intended for promotional purposes only. ;)
4 Mar 2003
Well thats Skate ruined.

Pretty much everything is worse! The graphics are bad, the camera angle has changed and its completely lost that Skate vibe. It honestly feels more like Tony Hawks now. The only thing good about it is the extra tricks and stuff. I played on the demo for about an hour then put Skate 1 on straight after and its night and day, Skate 1 is just so much better in every way. Im so wounded it just doesnt feel and look the same, I was looking forward to this game so much.
21 Nov 2008
im not going to be as final as Nanoman, but i have to agree, i played Skate 1 then played the Skate 2 demo and it does feel more Tony Hawks-y. I know thats not the best comment ever but it gets the idea across (and if youve ever played a TH game you might follow).

I was watching the trailer for the New San Van, where it does slow camera moves across various areas, and it looks like theyve just crammed the skate zones with far too much equipment and ledges. In Skate 1, the city looked like a relatively believeable city, ledges where there would be ledges, steps and rails in logical places, now it just seems like theyve put rails, ramps and jumps everywhere.

That "realistic" feeling was what i loved about Skate. the ability to find little spots anywhere that you could session for 30 minutes or so then move on. Thats why i barely used the fast travel in the game, id skate around downtown and find allyways with bigs stairsets and session them for ages.
Basically, Skate 2 looks (and im hoping this will change once i have a look around the full game) to be too pre planned. Wasnt this big company here to stop skating? yet it seems like there are more skate-centric areas in SV than ever before.

The first section you roll into in the demo is a perfect example, you can hardly skate through it without bailing over rails and boxes. Wheres the simplicity?
I can understand having a lot of stuff in there because its the demo, and the devs want to show off the spot creation tech, which is sweet, but if the whole games that cluttered im going to be dissapointed. AND THATS ANOTHER THING! that first section and the skatepark, and (from looking at youtube vids of people getting out of slappys skatepark and into the...) wider world look waay too compact. as in, the areas are small, let alone theyre brimming with equipment. The area i liked, and that reminded me of Skate 1 the most, was the bit in the spot battle demo section, if you turn around and skate the road. its simple and clean, a few barriers in logical spots.

On the upside, pretty much everytime i bail i burst out laughing. which can only be a good thing that punishes you for trying a silly line (well some of the time). Im looking forward to hall of meat.

And again, havent played the full game so we shall seeeeee.

whoa, that turned into a rant... sorry about that. :rolleyes:
1 Jul 2007
Have we got an approximate realease date for this yet? I haven't got Skate 1 (downloaded the demo last night and loved it though) so am thinking of getting that, but if Skate 2 is out soon it's probably not worth it!
18 Aug 2004
Leeds, UK
The demo I would have enjoyed if it actualy didnt have a time limit so I could mess around in the skate park but from what I did manage to play I enjoyed so I will be getting this one
9 Jun 2004
Hey guys, just got a question about the original Skate (been playing it in preparation). When I've owned a spot, what does the ABD score mean? Is that the score I owned it with or something else?
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