So having been with sky for god knows how long. Trying to get an upgrade for a new sky box as my hd one is in its way out. One of the very first hd boxes is the one I have at the moment.
So I pay £72 a month for my package which includes everything but the movies pack. When I called them up, they quoted me £60 one off install fee and then £12 a mth which makes it about £82 a mth.
Is there anything I can do to get it cheaper?? I spoke to them at length but for existing customers there isn't any sort of discounts that you would get as a new customer. I asked about cancelling then coming back as a new customer but that's no good as I won't be able to sign up as a new customer for at least 12mths.
No loyalty discount even though I've been with sky for well over 10 yrs at least.
Ridiculous how loyal customers get shafted.
Anyhow any advice or tips to get my upgrade cheaper as in monthly subscription really.
My parents were with Sky since the beginning - they refused to even replace a faulty HD box 1 month out of warranty so we ended up leaving (that and the lack of a good discount for long term loyalty). Some people were leaving after a year and being offered 50% off - the most my parents got was a
25% off deal 5 months after leaving.