Some good information on HUKD regarding sky deals....
Main jist is;
you have to cancel via phone on 03442 411 653 or online; before following these steps
how to get sky cheap after ringing up, cancelling and ignoring ALL offers given to you on the phone
click this link
2) copy and paste the following, delete the multiroom part if you don't currently have it..or leave it and see if they'll give you a multiroom install for half price
Hi, I've had a letter offering me 60% off, £50 account credit and half price multiroom if I rejoin sky, I'd like to accept this offer on a monthly rolling contract please
3) They usually say great I'll see about adding this for you, if they say the deal isn't available but we can give you 35% etc, just say no it's ok I'll keep my cancellation
4) End chat politely, taking note of the person you have talked to
5) click the link above again, copy and paste exactly the same again unless it's the same person, if it's the same person just end chat to avoid looking silly
6) repeat until you get the 60% off, £50 credit and half price multiroom
7) do not give up, do not accept less than 60% off, you have 31 days from cancellation notice to get them to add it before your sky will be deactivated so don't panic or accept anything less
Generally most people are getting 60% off their bills, rolling contracts and anything from 50-100£ bill credit.
It looks like when you take them with the 60% off deal, if you cancel multiroom and then ask to transfer to the Sky Q team you can then pay £12 a month more for Q.
May be worth you guys trying?
Mine is up on Monday so ill be doing it again