Sky Stream - Launches *NOW* (post #1 for pricing / page #5 for pics)

So I could add the program after it's aired and then watch it immediately? If I have to do it before then it's no different to Q and adding it as a recording.

Yeah, I'd like to prove the point though and put it to the test. I checked the TV guide and the only live rugby I could see for Saturday morning was this one

Sat 5th Aug
03:25am - 05:35am
Sky Sports Action

Live International Rugby Union
New Zealand vs Australia

Checked Sky stream, and it is available to watch

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Odd one, had Stream Pucks delivered today, 2 for us (main living-room, main bedroom) and another for the inlaws annex adjacent to our property, for some odd reason their subtitles don’t seem to work, even when I set them to on within the settings, our main tv doesn’t seem to work with subtitles either, but the bedroom does? Done some research and it appears to be a common issue? Tried the normal power off, restart etc but nothing seems to work their side! Next thing I’ve read is a factory reset which I’ll try tomorrow
Odd one, had Stream Pucks delivered today, 2 for us (main living-room, main bedroom) and another for the inlaws annex adjacent to our property, for some odd reason their subtitles don’t seem to work, even when I set them to on within the settings, our main tv doesn’t seem to work with subtitles either, but the bedroom does? Done some research and it appears to be a common issue? Tried the normal power off, restart etc but nothing seems to work their side! Next thing I’ve read is a factory reset which I’ll try tomorrow
Those boxes are full of bugs. Best to factory reset, fixes a lot of issues.
Odd one, had Stream Pucks delivered today, 2 for us (main living-room, main bedroom) and another for the inlaws annex adjacent to our property, for some odd reason their subtitles don’t seem to work, even when I set them to on within the settings, our main tv doesn’t seem to work with subtitles either, but the bedroom does? Done some research and it appears to be a common issue? Tried the normal power off, restart etc but nothing seems to work their side! Next thing I’ve read is a factory reset which I’ll try tomorrow

Have you checked that they are all on the same firmware etc ?

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Just noticed under “system management“ “system info” there is a build version QS019.008.00P and its showing “currently updating” Puck in the bedroom is on the same software version and it is showing the subtitles fine?
Bit of an old problem… is HDMI-CEC still utterly broken on these? Returned the three I had in October when they still fully disabled it on every device connected!
Yeah, I'd like to prove the point though and put it to the test. I checked the TV guide and the only live rugby I could see for Saturday morning was this one

Sat 5th Aug
03:25am - 05:35am
Sky Sports Action

Live International Rugby Union
New Zealand vs Australia

Checked Sky stream, and it is available to watch

That's the programme I was after. It's also now available on catch-up on my Sky Q box. I couldn't see it there around 8AM Saturday morning though.
That's the programme I was after. It's also now available on catch-up on my Sky Q box. I couldn't see it there around 8AM Saturday morning though.

Yeah, so would have been available to watch any time on Stream as soon as the program started.
What @TheOracle showed was using catchup, this was almost exactly the same for Sky Q. How would you find this program if it doesn't show in catchup yet or is the Stream catchup selection more comprehensive than Q's?
The difference is you can start the program anytime after it's aired. I know on Q sometimes you can wait hours or even a day or so for something to appear on catch up. On stream it's available as soon as a program has aired.
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Thanks for that clarification @Simmz but how do you go about finding it? Is it the same method as Q but the programme is instantly in catchup?

Just search for it and it will bring it up yes. If you added that particular game to your playlist, then all future games would appear in your playlist so you could also go that way.
Bit of an old problem… is HDMI-CEC still utterly broken on these? Returned the three I had in October when they still fully disabled it on every device connected!
Yeah it’s still broken. It appeared to work totally fine, but I moved the TV and unplugged everything and upon plugging it all back in it was the broken again. I’ve got the remote turning the TV on and off so it’s not the end of the world.
So my Sky sub ended today like it does every 18 months after the offers expire and I put my notice in. My Q boxes are seven years old and are iffy. Each time I get offered a decent offer but it always keeps the original kit. I was going to look at Stream but as I only have 30mb I'm not sure I should get this, despite never having issues with all the streaming services. Has anyone had decent offers to stay with Sky Q and they send new boxes out? I have the main unit and 2 x mini boxes.
So my Sky sub ended today like it does every 18 months after the offers expire and I put my notice in. My Q boxes are seven years old and are iffy. Each time I get offered a decent offer but it always keeps the original kit. I was going to look at Stream but as I only have 30mb I'm not sure I should get this, despite never having issues with all the streaming services. Has anyone had decent offers to stay with Sky Q and they send new boxes out? I have the main unit and 2 x mini boxes.

If you can put it in someone else's name like a partner etc, then the sticky thread to get a code will be your cheapest option and will give you brand new kit etc.
So my Sky sub ended today like it does every 18 months after the offers expire and I put my notice in. My Q boxes are seven years old and are iffy. Each time I get offered a decent offer but it always keeps the original kit. I was going to look at Stream but as I only have 30mb I'm not sure I should get this, despite never having issues with all the streaming services. Has anyone had decent offers to stay with Sky Q and they send new boxes out? I have the main unit and 2 x mini boxes.
Just wait for their best offer and then at the end of negotiation just drop in that your box is playing up. They aren’t going to lose a customer over that.
Morning All

My son wanted to watch Paramount+ on his mobile yesterday but when I gave him my Sky login details it didn’t work? I reset my password via PM+ webpage but no reset came through? Are they separate accounts or is the Sky login the same?

EDIT - Ignore me, was using another email address! (prat!) :cry:
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