Sky Stream - Launches *NOW* (post #1 for pricing / page #5 for pics)

I can't believe the cost some of you are paying. I could never justify £80 a months for a bit of entertainment.
I sometimes have fleeting thoughts about maybe signing up to Sky again and then when I price it up and they tell me that I have to have an 18 month sub for some of the features, I come to my senses, x out of the tab and carry on with the rest of my day. lol
I sometimes have fleeting thoughts about maybe signing up to Sky again and then when I price it up and they tell me that I have to have an 18 month sub for some of the features, I come to my senses, x out of the tab and carry on with the rest of my day. lol
Sounds like Stream would be ideal as you can sub for a month if you wish.
Online prices are the worst available, if you haven’t pop into one of the shops in a shopping centre or an actual full shop and you will get better offers.
can this stream device be used with a mobile via tethering ? virgin do something similar but it's locked to there internet service.
I experience buffering especially on the Netflix app and apple TV. However it's perfect on prime app.
I’ve noticed the last couple of weeks most of the apps, the quality is terrible. TV etc is perfect and if I switch over the my Apple TV using the same apps is perfect. It’s really frustrating. I’m on 150mb Sky fibre as well.
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I'm really going off streaming. Doing back to back comparisons with physical media really highlights the compression used. It's fine for daytime TV, news, sports etc but for films I'd rather watch it on either Blu-ray or 4K Blu-ray. The better/bigger your TV and sound system becomes the more noticeable it is.

Sky offer some great services but they know how to charge for them! I use them for my FTTP and they've been good, although I suspect there's some throttling going on sometimes.
Heh I didn't realise Discovery+ came for free with Sky Stream. That, along with Paramount+ and Netflix being included makes it a really good deal imo.
Q is a superior technology

Not true. 4K HDR is only available on the main box, not minis so being able to watch 4K in another room is not possible. The biggest differences is the recording, but with catch up being as good as it is, it only really applies to recording the odd channels not on catch up.

also, the mesh technology used is absolute garbage to the point we unplugged the minis 6 months into an 18 month contract and went to freeview/now whilst the contract ran down. No amount of messing about with network settings, home plugs, drilling holes to run CAT6 worked.

Stream hasn't been without its issues, but that's mainly down to broken remotes, flakey hardware and firmware bugs. Most of which have now been resolved, so it's pretty good albeit not perfect (it's expensive, but that's sky for you). Personally I'd have preferred a sky app instead of having the box just for streaming, like Now TV but with all the channels.

Granted, if you are a large family with crap internet it might be a different story.

That said, if I was single and living on my own I'd cancel the lot......I despise sky, but I am outnumbered so reluctantly paying £70 a month for everything. The only saving grace is the family&friends subscription sharing, so I share with two other households and share the cost. Considering you get Netflix/Paramount/Discovery it's a pill I can just about swallow.

I've even tried plex/wintv/hdhomerun/aura solutions but it's just not as slick.
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