*** Sky TV Cancellation & Negotiation Thread ***

Just cancelled. Was paying £19 for the Box Sets and HD but was going to double. Seemed to get the pretty standard 40% offer but rejected it. Wouldn't mind paying a little more for Sky Sports but I never seem to get the amazing offers I see others getting here. Will play the waiting game again.
Just cancelled. Was paying £19 for the Box Sets and HD but was going to double. Seemed to get the pretty standard 40% offer but rejected it. Wouldn't mind paying a little more for Sky Sports but I never seem to get the amazing offers I see others getting here. Will play the waiting game again.

Don't worry you will get a call back soon, No harm in emailing as that seems like the best tactic as live chat and phone calls make no difference as the staff just aren't up to much until the retentions department steps in and offers you something you should have already been on in the first place :rolleyes:
Yup, the extended BF deal.

Not sure i can utilise it though as surely we'll still have an active tv account until cut off date (7th Jan), so can i even join as a new customer yet until that's gone and turned off???

Honestly quite glad we've cancelled and might just be without it after christmas. Nowtv passes will cover series we are watching and sports is only really needed come F1 season. Or just watch C4 coverage and pay the £6 day pass for the decent sky only races.

Best discount we got from retentions bloke was 25%, he had no answer when asked to give us the same offer as bew customers. Then said we could have Q box (1tb) and a Mini for £100 install. Errrrr that's the same extortionate price i get through the website:rolleyes:

I'm thinking of grabbing a humax pvr with HDD, then just use now tv, Amazon and Netflix. Cannot believe we didn't cancel soon, it's only tv!!!!!!!

So we got the 50% off deal come through via text. Plenty of T&Cs and looks to only be off the TV package, not off the movies, sports, multiroom, HD etc so it would still cost £60+ for the the fullTV package (down from £92).

Might see if we can get something much better as others have, but we aren't that fussed unless it's a stunner of a deal.

I cancelled 2 months ago and have resisited the offers so far but tonight had a call and agreed to the following:

Sky box sets
Sky Sports HD
12 month price, no contract, 31 day cancellation
4 months free
£11.87 p/m

essentially I get to watch Sky Sports free until end of football season so I'm happy with that. Might get SkyQ if they can do an offer on the install fee.

Now that's what I'm talking about!

Keeping Sports > Movies, very nice. I'm taking it them who called you, then you just discussed/haggling down to that?
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Just been looking at Sky

Was on chat to a customer rep

Best he could offer me was £78 montly as follows
Sky Q 2tb - £60 install
Top tier package
Unlimited broadband
phone package (wont use)
multi room box

Currently pay £48 a month with virgin media
120Mb broadband
Top tier TV package
(phone line don't use had a years free line rental however)

Anything i can do with sky to haggle this further down?
Really fed up with vm software on the TiVo its clunky and slow and after seeing my mates sky q in uhd I'm smitten and jealous :D

Wouldn't mind paying sub £60 but not sure i will get that?

I'm running to the end of term with vm and have told them of my intention to cancel and they told me to call back else i will have to pay an exit fee if i did it now!

Seems tv providers aren't keen on getting new customers or those at least not willing to pay above the odds lol

I cant just cancel as the wife will murder me if the kids don't have nick jr etc!

Going to be a nervous wait haha

You have 120mb broadband and you want to switch to Sky? Don't do it! I moved house and now can't get Virgin, only Fibre to Cabinet BT hardware, and on Sky top package I struggle to top 6mb...load of bloody rubbish. We're constantly bombarding Virgin's cablemystreet as we're in a small local pocket which doesn't have it. We had phone and Internet through Virgin and SkyTV for F1. Wasn't that much more expensive.
Sky FTCC is better than VM Fibre unless you're talking about download speeds. Sky's network is far better.

In terms of ping?

We would be happy with 50mb tbh as its only our YouTube hungry daughter using it mostly and me for the odd 60gb game download but i'll push them for 100mb and cheaper than £25

Only reason i don't want sky fibre at the moment is due to not having a phone line - I took it out during our living room decoration as it was fugly looking and plasterboarded over it. (wires still outside)
In terms of ping?

We would be happy with 50mb tbh as its only our YouTube hungry daughter using it mostly and me for the odd 60gb game download but i'll push them for 100mb and cheaper than £25

Only reason i don't want sky fibre at the moment is due to not having a phone line - I took it out during our living room decoration as it was fugly looking and plasterboarded over it. (wires still outside)

The network is better, latency in general, less traffic management (if any on Sky these days), better jitter etc. Of course there are areas where VM is not affected by congestion but it's a post code lottery.
Cancelled my mum and dad's Sky today. They were paying for £70 per month for the entertainment bundle and sports (not even in HD!). On live chat the lady even congratulated me for being a customer for 12 years. When she asked if she could see what they can do for me I said yes, but was aware of the new customer deals and retention deals after cancelling.

She offered me a "fantastic" (her words not mine) 40% off so told her to cancel it. I'll hold out for 60-75% off and some statement credit I think.
Sky FTCC is better than VM Fibre unless you're talking about download speeds. Sky's network is far better.

That's not my experience as a customer. Maybe technically speaking, but after 16 years with VM the last 18 months with Sky have been torture. They keep changing our port causing telephone line noise and intermittent internet dropout. When they come out they run a test which temporarily clears the fault so they can't find anything to fix. We have to have blazing rows with them to get the port moved back.
Just cancelled. Was paying £19 for the Box Sets and HD but was going to double. Seemed to get the pretty standard 40% offer but rejected it. Wouldn't mind paying a little more for Sky Sports but I never seem to get the amazing offers I see others getting here. Will play the waiting game again.

Just done the same, managed to get them upto 50% off for 10 months on a 12months contract, had they done 50% for 12 I'd probably have gone for it, quite fancy Sky Q but not paying £200 for it to be installed
Went onto chat last night after my auntie cancelled sky a few days ago and managed to get her 60% off and £50 credit and all I said is that I had searched on google and found out that other people are get this offer and they said no problem.

So now my auntie is only paying £44 per month instead of £72 and this is box sets with hd and sports package including multi room.

Forgot to mention this is on a rolling contract for 12 months.
Cancelled mine last week using the online chat.

Received a letter today with 60% off any package on a 12 month contract so my £38 package is now going to cost me £15.20 for the next 12 months saving me £273.60 over the year!!
Looks like if I want Sky again I'd have to call, the return within 12 months no longer works, can't view tv packages if logged in because I'm a customer, can't manage what package I did have because I'm not a customer. Luckily I can still see billing but nothing else online account wise works.
After cancelling only contact I have had from sky is a survey as to why I left

Hopefully an offer will come through soon

Hi guys, just got a call from an Irish chappy who offered the whole lot, hd, sports movies etc free for 6 months then 17 a month after with no contract.
Sound legitimate?
Depends. If he asks you for full bank details then no, of course not. If you're sure it's sky then ask them to tell you the last two digits of your bank account number or the last four digits of your viewing card.
Depends. If he asks you for full bank details then no, of course not. If you're sure it's sky then ask them to tell you the last two digits of your bank account number or the last four digits of your viewing card.

Was legit, got a confirmation email soon after. Too good to be true that deal no?
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