Much more than the usual palaver when renegotiating today. Opted for the text chat as I'm working today so here's a summary of the experience. The first assistant was quick to reply and helpful enough. They immediately offered me my current package for £53.50, that is:
Sports HD
Better than the £77 it's gone up to but this time last year it was £37. So no dice.
They then said I could afford to drop HD as I've got Sports HD (anyone know if that's true? Are normal HD channels standard now?). That would save 5 to make it £48.50 though possibly not like for like. They also said the overspend this month would be credited back.
Still not close enough for me so I said no thanks, they were going to check with supervisor about getting closer to my previous price when they went on a break so put me back in the queue for someone else to continue with. That's where the problems started...
Assistant #2 was useless! Very slow to reply and initially offered me my current package for £66?!
When I pointed out their colleague had only just offered me way less than that they said ok I'll review the previous chat. Surely that's the basic starting point when someone gets transferred no?
They then just offered the same as the first assistant but with a £10 admin fee and no overspend credit back. I said no I'll cancel and look elsewhere. They then kept telling me how good a deal it was and no other providers could get close. Asked to cancel again and was offered to take some parts of the package out to improve it. Asked to cancel again. Then told me they didn't want me to get into hassle mid-contract? (Hassle
I'm also out of contact hence the price increase?). 4th time of asking to cancel I also requested to raise a complaint and for them to confirm both points back to me, still no real confirmation either way but an explanation of how much I would be saving over 18 months. 5th request to cancel. Assistant #2 now says they were already on a break and would be back in 15 minutes. Ghosted.
I messaged again after 45 minutes to check if I've now cancelled and automatically get placed back in the queue.
Assistant #3 is able to cancel without a fuss.
Just thought I'd share the ridiculousness of it all here. This offer isn't really of use to anyone but again I'll update if they try and entice me back at any point. Will make do without if they don't.