Skyrim remastered free for pc if you own skyrim already

Finally finished the main and side quests after 70 hours, Ending felt abit lack luster tbh as in true Bethesda fashion it just comes to an abrupt end and doesn't feel like I've finished it as the NPC's haven't commented on it in the slightest.

Only got a few DLC quests left to do and I can put it down, In the 70 hours so far I've only had two CTD which were down to a mod I'd installed.

Enjoyed my time playing and to get 70 hours + out of a free upgrade I'm glad I stuck it out as I never finished playing through the story on the original version.
I'm actually afraid to install this in case I just have a quick look and lose another 200 - 300 hours.

I stop my self from playing it most evenings. As I know if I do, I've lost that evening.

Tonight I've got a bunch of cleaning to do... But it's free game after that! And I'm expecting to put in at least 5 hours tonight.
What's the deal with SKSE now?

I was going to mod this again now I have it on my new PC but I read you don't need SKSE to do this anymore?
Just beaten this, thoughts below:

+Excellent game length, took me about 109hrs and still got a bunch of other quests to go
+Good looking game IMO, some great vistas, water and foliage generally looks good etc
+Absolutely loads of NPCs, also quite nice seeing them get involved in fights with dragons etc
+Decent performance 72-144fps
+Good variety of quests, overall I would say more enjoyable than Oblivion
+Although I focused on a dual-wielding melee character, there were a few occasions I used a bow or magic and it felt like they were viable options. This made for varied combat and provided another option for tough fights (sitting back to deal some damage before engaging in close-quarters combat)
+General good feel to the environment, lore etc - makes it feel like an RPG in the truest sense rather than just a formulaic game

-Suffers from the same inventory management issues as all the modern Bethesda RPGs, I would estimate at least 20% of my play time was spent shuffling items around to ensure I was bring back the most valuable loot (this game could really do with a value:weight ratio sort)
-Final boss seemed pretty easy compared to some other monsters like Ash Spawn. Second half of the main quest line I was able to push through very quickly, kinda annoying to discover the shout that pulls dragons down to ground level over 100hrs in.
-Dialog interface is a bit clunky, annoying that you have to do multiple clicks to enter trading with an NPC, and the cursor selection doesn't always work properly (selecting 'MISC' during trades with vendors is particularly annoying)
-Alchemy / Smithing balance is a bit off, you very quickly seem to go from having basic skills to be easily crafting £500+ potions from common ingredients or making/upgrading armours etc, whereas I would have expected a more gradual transition. This has a snowball effect because it also drove much more rapid levelling for more, I reckon 25-50 took about half the time that 1-25 did.
-Couple of annoying glitches where a quest wouldn't complete or similar
-Follower pathfinding is terrible, in most dungeons my follower gets left behind at some random point so I have to find a transition door to get them to re-appear (unless they got killed, in which case I have to try and figure out where so I can loot the corpse)
-Some of the Dwearner locations dragged on a bit, there was one in particular I got fed up with because I needed to sell/store some loot but had been trekking for miles through this dungeon

Although I think it is an excellent game, I doubt I will invest much more time in it, as having maxed out a few skills it is starting to get quite repetitive.
Mods are your friend here :) It's why I still come back to this (and will again with VR), some or all of your niggles can be modded.
-Suffers from the same inventory management issues as all the modern Bethesda RPGs, I would estimate at least 20% of my play time was spent shuffling items around to ensure I was bring back the most valuable loot (this game could really do with a value:weight ratio sort)
SkyUI would really alleviate some of the problems you had with this aspect. The default inventory is awful, and the modded UI improves things a hundred fold. Skyrim took me about 206 hours to do EVERYTHING!
Yeah i contemplated mods but I didn't want to get sucked in like I did with Oblivion where I spent like 10hrs+ researching and setting up mods before I even played the game and then potentially didn't experience the game as intended.
I've just installed Vortex and SKSE64, Saturday is going to be mods day :D

I've put 107hrs into a playthrough of SSE and around 1600hrs on original Skyrim - this time I'm copying Gopher and going in as a thief, which is something I've never played before
I've just installed Vortex and SKSE64, Saturday is going to be mods day :D

I've put 107hrs into a playthrough of SSE and around 1600hrs on original Skyrim - this time I'm copying Gopher and going in as a thief, which is something I've never played before
Don't do as Gopher though, and use this mod. Yes, it is for normal Skyrim but it works just fine with SSE from what I have heard. I personally would be using it if I was doing a thief, well, I used it even if I am not a thief since the mod make more sense then original game intended with the thief's quest line. Thieves Guild Requirements by kryptopyr
Don't do as Gopher though, and use this mod. Yes, it is for normal Skyrim but it works just fine with SSE from what I have heard. I personally would be using it if I was doing a thief, well, I used it even if I am not a thief since the mod make more sense then original game intended with the thief's quest line. Thieves Guild Requirements by kryptopyr

Nice one, that will make things much more realistic :)
I stop my self from playing it most evenings. As I know if I do, I've lost that evening.

Tonight I've got a bunch of cleaning to do... But it's free game after that! And I'm expecting to put in at least 5 hours tonight.
More like, if I start playing this morning I'll lose the evening Haha. Addiction is a real thing with Skyrim lol
As far as the Thieves Guild goes, I found it much less of a grind to install the mod that let you choose a target city for your missions, which lets you complete the required 5 per city without tedious grind. Also, the mod that removes the set level of item rewards made doing the smaller quests more worthwhile.
I haven't played Skyrim before. Just installed it now.... is it that good? :) PC
If you like this kind of game, yes. Also, if you modding it then you can get even more out of the game ! :p

I am sure we have members here on the forum that played Skyrim 1000+ hours !! :eek:
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