Skyrim VR steam page is up

Mini Review (playing on rift):
The good -
  • It's Skyrim, in VR!
  • Runs very smoothly even when supersampled.
  • Lots of different options for locomotion, including thumbstick movement and rotation.
  • Very tweakable via mods and ini file tweaks.
  • Bows are really fun to shoot (after a few tweaks) (Not tried magic yet)
  • Did I say it's Skyrim in VR?!
The bad -
  • Lack of hand presence - with no weapons equipped the controllers are shown, which is immersion breaking.
  • Can't interact naturally with game objects, i.e. you can't use the grip buttons to grab things which leads on to...
  • The controller mappings are a mess. Menu navigation is great via the thumbstick, but it's easy to accidentally 'shout' when backing out of menus because the same button is used. Basically seems very vive-centric in the way the controls are setup. Lots of nonsensical mappings.
  • The default holding angles for the bow and some other pointing features are off. I think this is because they are tuned for vive wands. Luckily these are tweakable via ini files.
  • Positional audio is broken without using a mod.
  • You can get jittery rotation unless you turn off the gamepad support.
  • Melee weapons suffer from the 'polystyrene' weight issue. Bethesda haven't learned how to give weapons the feeling of weight that other games manage to do.
  • If playing while sitting when the height is wrong and can't be adjusted high enough without tweaking ini files.
That said, the VR support is good enough that I've spent hours playing it, and I'm looking forward to more, even though I've played Skyrim for 100's of hours in 'pancake' mode.
  • Lack of hand presence - with no weapons equipped the controllers are shown, which is immersion breaking.
  • Can't interact naturally with game objects, i.e. you can't use the grip buttons to grab things which leads on to...
  • The controller mappings are a mess. Menu navigation is great via the thumbstick, but it's easy to accidentally 'shout' when backing out of menus because the same button is used. Basically seems very vive-centric in the way the controls are setup. Lots of nonsensical mappings.
  • The default holding angles for the bow and some other pointing features are off. I think this is because they are tuned for vive wands. Luckily these are tweakable via ini files.
  • Positional audio is broken without using a mod..
Great review and the above points are why I won't be buying until it's £20 or less! Not been able to interact with game objects is the big one. I mean, not even been able to open doors!! It seems to be a better done than Fallout 4 so at least they are learning. Hopefully they will make a game based on the Elder Scrolls from the ground up in VR.
Great review and the above points are why I won't be buying until it's £20 or less! Not been able to interact with game objects is the big one. I mean, not even been able to open doors!! It seems to be a better done than Fallout 4 so at least they are learning. Hopefully they will make a game based on the Elder Scrolls from the ground up in VR.
But it really is brilliant.

I admit my review isn't particularly substantial, but maybe it is enough to change your mind?
But it really is brilliant.

I admit my review isn't particularly substantial, but maybe it is enough to change your mind?

Well as amazing as your review is, it still won't change my mind!! :p

It's still tacked on VR, I was expecting a proper VR game, not a slight upgrade to what VorpX can already do.
Well as amazing as your review is, it still won't change my mind!! :p

It's still tacked on VR, I was expecting a proper VR game, not a slight upgrade to what VorpX can already do.

Ah, I've clearly understated just how brilliant it is :p
You'll be blown away when you eventually get it and mod it up.

For those that do have it, I highly recommend
It takes a bit of tweaking, but I've got mine set so that I just say spell names to equip them to my left hand, and I keep a melee weapon in the right. Having a great time as a battle mage!
It's still a great game, but obviously shows it's non-VR roots. You can interact with objects by holding a button to move them when pointing at them, but this is a long way from using the rift controllers in their intended 'hand presence' way by naturally using the grip buttons to pick up and hold objects or to manipulate them, and having in-game hands in the world mimic your hand gestures, as other games do.

Its very much stuck in the Vive mindset of the controllers being your tools in the game world, compared to the Rift mindset of your controllers being your hands in the game world. Proper hand presence would make this game absolutely amazing. As it is, it's merely great. :)
I never really played it in 2d (the first 1hr), but as obvious as it is this wasn't made ground up for vr, the scale of the game has pulled me in. Im not even looking at quests. About 4hr game time and all I have done is explore. Still need to go to the castle for the first quest :)
I know people have a problem with it being a full price game, but in the vr scene you gotta pay through the nose for any experience. There isn't many vr games that are "worth it" when compared to a similar content game in 2d.
I tried it briefly this morning and the engine running in VR is very convincing (Minus the limited object interaction) unlike the my previous attempt using VorpX. That amounted to mostly 2D force to 3D using height maps from the textures and was pretty awful with a warped perspective.

Running Skyrim on 3D Vision was my previous best experience and I played it like that for many hours. I've never got on with the Vive controllers and the pads specifically so I'm looking forward to any alternative. Might have to suffer sitting and using controllers for now!

I can't do smooth motion at all and even just a small sidestep made me fell unsteady so it's teleportation only for me.
I never really played it in 2d (the first 1hr), but as obvious as it is this wasn't made ground up for vr, the scale of the game has pulled me in. Im not even looking at quests. About 4hr game time and all I have done is explore. Still need to go to the castle for the first quest :)
I know people have a problem with it being a full price game, but in the vr scene you gotta pay through the nose for any experience. There isn't many vr games that are "worth it" when compared to a similar content game in 2d.
Agreed. While a lot of the mechanics have simply been dragged into VR rather than been redesigned, simply exploring the world is utterly engrossing. Like you, I barely put any time into the original, which makes me glad for once that I have a title sat on my pile of shame, as it's all feeling rather new to me :)
the perspective and the height of some stuff is a bit hilarious. Most of the stairs look pretty normal in 2D but in 3D you need to crank your head up to see up them and it feels like doing a 100m vertical assent at full sprint. The doors to whiterun are huge. Still loving it though.

I've set it up to feel a good height while sitting down, easy ini change to do this. Smooth turning enabled as well, only occasionally feel queasy when doing a lot of fast turning while inside structures.

Think I need a new gpu though, I can't run much SS on my 1070 without re-projection kicking in when rotating. Having to put up with a bit of blur.
Make sure dynamic resolution is turned off. Makes the game blurry even on fast hardware. Also make sure that Steam hasn't automatically set your supersampling on if you are already supersampling in-game. It's best to turn off in-game supersampling and use the steam support.
if I hadn't have played skyrim to death I may be interested in this at a dlc cost level but full price, they can swivel. the same for Fallout vr.

I could forgive Bethesda for realising awesome games that were a bit buggy but to cash in like this is stooping to ea\ubisoft levels. Frontier puts them to shame!
if I hadn't have played skyrim to death I may be interested in this at a dlc cost level but full price, they can swivel. the same for Fallout vr.

I could forgive Bethesda for realising awesome games that were a bit buggy but to cash in like this is stooping to ea\ubisoft levels. Frontier puts them to shame!

This is the right approach to Bethesda VR games.

I bought FO4VR and have nothing but regret. It is so ******** implemented, with constant frame drops due to both CPU and GPU spikes.

I was suckered in by wrong information on Vive Reddit and after 3 hours of ini tweaks tried to refund. Nope says valve. Damn thieves.
This is the single most impressive game I've played in VR so far.

Having played the original for over 700 hours!!! I can vouch for all the little things they've had to implement to make it VR worthy, and it is worthy.

The controls may be a bit janky but I'm used to them now and I can see I'll be losing many more hours just exploring and adventuring. I want Bethesda to have some more of my money (god I sound a fan boyish but apart from Elite Dangerous this is what I want in VR)
With Skyrim, it's certainly the best open world VR game in terms of what it is, how it looks and performs. I had hesitations after fallout, and it's solid average across all boards, and to be honest seeing gameplay of the PSVR Skyrim it looked bland and basic.

Totally unfounded though in terms of performance and looks! After installing all the 4k mods, graphical tweaks, and player re-brushed assets, I expected it to start crawling after ramping up the SS and a high bar on everything. Even with a 1070 with a standard vive it looks stunning, not a mile away from the best looking unreal engine games when your running around caves and buildings. While VR interaction is limited, there's still enough of the basics in terms of your physical presence to make it work.

Only problem now is solving the achievements with mods active, the mod that supposed to work is a mess to me, trying to install it twice yesterday resulted in black screening the launch menu:/
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