Any good sources for faces beyond the reddit thread?
So after reading about the update increasing battery life I went and called up my 'local' o2 store and they had one left in stock, which is now sat next to me charging.
I wasn't planning to buy one damnit, I blame you guys
So it picks up quick every time? How tight do you have the watch on too?I've got quite hairy arms and its fine for me, not had any issues with it that way...
So it picks up quick every time? How tight do you have the watch on too?
Few threads on xda appear to confirm that the heart rate thing isn't all that reliable or accurate too....
If only there was a way to stop the "OK Google" text displaying every time I look at it, there should be a limit on how many times someone needs to be told this.
How about this for example. Would I need watch tools to swap the strap?
The 360 is 22mm, that's why most reviews have been pleased with how easy it is to replace.