SNP to break up Britian?

15 Aug 2011
Yes, but it seems to hold little water. Nor do I see much relevance, you clearly aren't an SNP supporter, but there can be little disagreement that he is one of the most consummate politician, party and national leader on these islands. That isn't a guarantee of success, but it can hardly be to his detriment either which seems to be the implication.

Sorry, was the above statement regarding salmond?

First and hopefully last time I see that written anywhere?
15 May 2010
Out of Coventry
North sea oil isn't the only place in the world seeing increased investment. There are more known fossil fuel supplies now than at any other time in history, and we have the technology to access them.

If anything, the price of fossil fuels is going to go down, not up. We're going to be at $80 a barrel soon, and it will probably stay around there for quite a while.

Don't pin your hopes on the north sea.
29 Oct 2002
North sea oil isn't the only place in the world seeing increased investment. There are more known fossil fuel supplies now than at any other time in history, and we have the technology to access them.

If anything, the price of fossil fuels is going to go down, not up. We're going to be at $80 a barrel soon, and it will probably stay around there for quite a while.

Don't pin your hopes on the north sea.

indeed and many out of the opec cartels hands so less price fixing.

we mustn't forget that the 'newer' NSO fields are far from new. Claire for example - it is oil prices that make them viable now along with newer technology.

if oil prices go down they may be closed.
29 Aug 2003
Sorry, was the above statement regarding salmond?

First and hopefully last time I see that written anywhere?

Yes. He's been politician of the year, Briton of the year and a host of other accolades. He's the only politician who commands an electoral majority in the UK and could be on the cusp of pulling off his life's work. Holyrood has never been so popular as a legislative and governing body, and he has brought the SNP to levels of success no other party in Scotland has witnessed.

He is unarguably one, if not the most astute, politician of this age. Perhaps why David Cameron is so feart to go on camera against him.
29 Aug 2003
North sea oil isn't the only place in the world seeing increased investment. There are more known fossil fuel supplies now than at any other time in history, and we have the technology to access them.

If anything, the price of fossil fuels is going to go down, not up. We're going to be at $80 a barrel soon, and it will probably stay around there for quite a while.

Don't pin your hopes on the north sea.

The price isn't going to go down long term, the lowest long term forecasts estimates are around $97, with the 'optimistic' up to $150. If it wasn't likely, all the multinational investment we are seeing wouldn't be viable, and thus happening, in the first instance.
27 Jun 2005
Aberdeen, Scotland
I work in the Oil & Gas industry in Aberdeen - I can tell you that there is 50-100 years of o&g reserves in the North Sea Scottish waters.

Those reserves are worth 1.5 trillion.

In a country where we will be able to power our energy needs with a huge renewable resource (read- Scotland will be able to be 100% renewable in the future) having such a large o&g reserve is an incredible resource.

The SNP would set up an oil fund like Norway have so that the benefits of this resource are seen in Scotland. This SHOULD have been done by Westminster however they ****ed us over and the rest of the UK.
13 Aug 2008
Salmond would make a brilliant car salesman. He's awesome at answering a question of something he doesn't know the answer to with something that sounds plausible hence you have people defending him blindly over vague promises of:

Oil, maybe if they find it and can get to it and the UK let's us have it as that deal hasn't actually been done.

Money will be someone elses, who will bail us out probably if we need it.

Tax will be "fair," which means higher and less competitive than our neighbours.

Everyone will be better off with all the foreign companies drilling our oil.
13 Aug 2008
I work in the Oil & Gas industry in Aberdeen - I can tell you that there is 50-100 years of o&g reserves in the North Sea Scottish waters.

Those reserves are worth 1.5 trillion.

In a country where we will be able to power our energy needs with a huge renewable resource (read- Scotland will be able to be 100% renewable in the future) having such a large o&g reserve is an incredible resource.

The SNP would set up an oil fund like Norway have so that the benefits of this resource are seen in Scotland. This SHOULD have been done by Westminster however they ****ed us over and the rest of the UK.

50-100 years?

Sounds an accurate assessment to me.
18 Mar 2008
North sea oil isn't the only place in the world seeing increased investment. There are more known fossil fuel supplies now than at any other time in history, and we have the technology to access them.

If anything, the price of fossil fuels is going to go down, not up. We're going to be at $80 a barrel soon, and it will probably stay around there for quite a while.

Don't pin your hopes on the north sea.

I doubt that very much, Developing countries are still increasing in oil usage yearly, will Oil be down for a moment? Yes i imagine it will.

People in western countries will notice a price drop and jump in their cars because they feel it is now "cheap", then fantastically it will rise again.
13 Aug 2008
I doubt that very much, Developing countries are still increasing in oil usage yearly, will Oil be down for a moment? Yes i imagine it will.

People in western countries will notice a price drop and jump in their cars because they feel it is now "cheap", then fantastically it will rise again.

Cars are not what drive the price of oil. Scotland want to hope that no-one cracks the Fusion riddle (Or equivalent.) in the next 30 years or so also.

I work in the Oil & Gas industry in Aberdeen - I can tell you that there is 50-100 years of o&g reserves in the North Sea Scottish waters.

Those reserves are worth 1.5 trillion.

In a country where we will be able to power our energy needs with a huge renewable resource (read- Scotland will be able to be 100% renewable in the future) having such a large o&g reserve is an incredible resource.

The SNP would set up an oil fund like Norway have so that the benefits of this resource are seen in Scotland. This SHOULD have been done by Westminster however they ****ed us over and the rest of the UK.

£1.5 trillion?

Sounds impressive, what fraction of that in tax revenue will Scotland actually get seeing as it will be foreign companies with shareholders actually drilling the stuff. (FYI that figure is unknown also.)
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25 Jul 2003
I work in the Oil & Gas industry in Aberdeen - I can tell you that there is 50-100 years of o&g reserves in the North Sea Scottish waters.

Those reserves are worth 1.5 trillion.

Funny, because so does my brother, and he says there aren't, and not worth anywhere near that. Who to believe?
25 Jul 2003
Salmond would make a brilliant car salesman. He's awesome at answering a question of something he doesn't know the answer to with something that sounds plausible hence you have people defending him blindly over vague promises of:
Sounds like any politican to me :p.

Yes. He's been politician of the year, Briton of the year and a host of other accolades.
I'm not sure thats such a great accolade.
13 Aug 2008
Salmond is running a referendum without actually telling people what they are voting for and actually winning some over.

Impressive stuff on a personal level, not sure it's what is best for millions of Scots though.



10 Aug 2003
Dubai, UAE
I'm not sure about definitive estimates, but the fields are supposed to eclipse the East coast and it's expected that when production does wither it would move round as the initial developments are taking place now.

What's this about loads of oil and gas being right under Scotland's feet, ie onshore. Why hasn't it been tapped yet, or is it shale gas/oil?

That BP Claire field has been known about for years, it was just the technology wasn't available/cost effective to extract oil and gas from the region. Now that it's not such an issue the development is going ahead.
13 Aug 2008
What's this about loads of oil and gas being right under Scotland's feet, ie onshore. Why hasn't it been tapped yet, or is it shale gas/oil?

That BP Claire field has been known about for years, it was just the technology wasn't available/cost effective to extract oil and gas from the region. Now that it's not such an issue the development is going ahead.

There's quite a bit of shale all over the UK, people are fighting tooth and nail against it though.

Funny, because so does my brother, and he says there aren't, and not worth anywhere near that. Who to believe?

Isn't there quality issues with it also?



10 Aug 2003
Dubai, UAE
Funny, because so does my brother, and he says there aren't, and not worth anywhere near that. Who to believe?

Sort of depends what they do.

Would I trust an offshore operator or mechanical engineer to know what reserves we had. No.
Would I trust a reservoir or production engineer, most likely.



10 Aug 2003
Dubai, UAE
There's quite a bit of shale all over the UK, people are fighting tooth and nail against it though.

It was the wording of the article Biohazard posted that sounded critical as to why it hadn't been extract yet, but it's fairly obvious why if it's shale gas/oil.

Not sure why everyone thinks hydraulic fracturing is the spawn of satan, we've been doing it since the 1960s......

Isn't there quality issues with it also?

What do you mean exactly?
27 Jun 2005
Aberdeen, Scotland
50-100 years?

Sounds an accurate assessment to me.

It depends entirely on the oil price - sorry I should be more clear. A neither conservative or optimistic value is 100 years, but to get that full production the oil price would have to be favourable to make it economical to recover some of the reserves. Basically, if the oil price stayed as it is now, it would be nearer 50 years - if it goes up (which, of course it will)... then we can recover far more.

Hope that's clearer.

£1.5 trillion?

Sounds impressive, what fraction of that in tax revenue will Scotland actually get seeing as it will be foreign companies with shareholders actually drilling the stuff. (FYI that figure is unknown also.)

Well at the moment we don't get any... so anything is a bonus. I believe the SNP will lower corporation tax but also start an oil fund for Scotland so we will really see the benefits of having this huge resource. We are a country of 5 million with 1.5 trillion in oil - HOW the hell do we have such poverty? Oh yeah... thanks Thatcher.

Funny, because so does my brother, and he says there aren't, and not worth anywhere near that. Who to believe?

No offence to you, or your brother but what does he do? Is he a rigger with an opinion? Because if so he won't know the full story.

I work in a consultancy who offer reserves estimates to every major North Sea operator. I physically KNOW what they are drilling, planning and what is out there. So, I'm sorry - but your brother is wrong.
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