SNP to break up Britian?

21 Oct 2002
It depends entirely on the oil price - sorry I should be more clear. A neither conservative or optimistic value is 100 years, but to get that full production the oil price would have to be favourable to make it economical to recover some of the reserves. Basically, if the oil price stayed as it is now, it would be nearer 50 years - if it goes up (which, of course it will)... then we can recover far more.

Hope that's clearer.

Well at the moment we don't get any... so anything is a bonus. I believe the SNP will lower corporation tax but also start an oil fund for Scotland so we will really see the benefits of having this huge resource. We are a country of 5 million with 1.5 trillion in oil - HOW the hell do we have such poverty? Oh yeah... thanks Thatcher.

No offence to you, or your brother but what does he do? Is he a rigger with an opinion? Because if so he won't know the full story.

I work in a consultancy who offer reserves estimates to every major North Sea operator. I physically KNOW what they are drilling, planning and what is out there. So, I'm sorry - but your brother is wrong.

Can you link to any qualified source about the rampant wealth that was prevalent in Scotland before the Thatcher Government?

Can you explanation the stagflation of 70s and how she is responsible.for the rise in unemployment seen in the 70s and the uncompetative nature of British business during that time?



4 Oct 2008
I would say one thing though, its a bit odd to leave kingdom and then join the euro? Im sure they talked about this before, the euro is such bad news
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I don't just work North Sea... or on rigs at all. We are a global consultancy with worldwide clients but a strong base in North Sea clients such as TAQA and BP so we have a wide picture :)

Working as you do in this field I'm suprised you seem to be of the opinion that there exist hard and fast indisputable facts about things like oil reserves and future prices :)

What you have is a very informed opinion - but opinion bt its very nature is not fact. If the opinion of oil consultants was as good as fact then Rockhopper wouldn't have wasted so much time drilling empty holes in the Falklands :p
Man of Honour
1 Nov 2007
Christchurch UK
we want independence, oh but can we keep the £ and keep it linked to you for stability and to protect us from any possible economic failure in the future...

NO, if you're independent from the rest of the UK you can bloody well invent your own currency and stand on your own two feet.

cake and eat it ?, get stuffed

rant over
18 Mar 2008
we want independence, oh but can we keep the £ and keep it linked to you for stability and to protect us from any possible economic failure in the future...

NO, if you're independent from the rest of the UK you can bloody well invent your own currency and stand on your own two feet.

cake and eat it ?, get stuffed

rant over

I am unsure whether to preclude anything by the fact that you live several thousand miles away, but whatever.

You cant just invent a currency anymore, it tends to fail miserably (EURO).
22 Nov 2005
we want independence, oh but can we keep the £ and keep it linked to you for stability and to protect us from any possible economic failure in the future...

NO, if you're independent from the rest of the UK you can bloody well invent your own currency and stand on your own two feet.

cake and eat it ?, get stuffed

rant over

yea lol...

They want all benefits of being part of the UK even after they leave :S

You cant just invent a currency anymore, it tends to fail miserably (EURO).
Only because so many crap third world european countries are dragging it down.
the scottish haggis would be linked to "your" oil anyway which means you wouldn't need to worry until it runs out and your begging to join the UK again.....



4 Oct 2008
see this is the kind of arguing they want to stir up, scotland and england like any friends have good times and bad times. But the two countires have been through a lot together. I just think its btter to stick together especially nowadays.

But i understand why scottish might want to get away from westminister, I think we all wish we coudl do that as they are corrupt satan worshipping liar scum.
Man of Honour
1 Nov 2007
Christchurch UK
I am unsure whether to preclude anything by the fact that you live several thousand miles away, but whatever.

You cant just invent a currency anymore, it tends to fail miserably (EURO).

They will have to..... I think the SNP leadership have started to panic a bit hence wanting to keep the pound

Don't wish for things you actually can't see working as if they did come true, you would be in deep deep trouble



4 Oct 2008
can you explain why the Euro is still stronger than the pound then?

seriously you can see on the news that euro is such bad corrupt idea, sountries have lsot control of their currency. Look at cyprus they had to steal money from peoples bank accounts, if they control there own money they could have use qe. its criminal ******** eu
18 Mar 2008
can you explain why the Euro is still stronger than the pound then?

Besides the fact that a political currency implies a desire to keep it alive furvently by the rulling class...ehem, Germany, Osbornes pointless austerities are making the UK a laughing stock.

The only thing keeping the EURO alive at the moment (in my opinion, ofcourse) is the lethargy of the proletariat class, i am sure it would collapse if people werent so...quiet.
18 Mar 2008
Another point, was the pound not created under the existence of the union? (as in the modern equivalent, not the old standard via gold/silver)

Due to the shared soveriegn, we should be entitled to keep a hold of the currency surely?

(Not my area, just came to mind, probably has no basis).
22 Nov 2005
hah your right everything you have now was created under the existence of the union.

You can clearly leave at any time and only reap the rewards
18 Mar 2008
hah your right everything you have now was created under the existence of the union.

You can clearly leave at any time and only reap the rewards

We joined by choice (though under vast economic problems, but still), it is a union and not a dominion for a reason.

I am only raising a point, even if we cant continue with the stirling, does anyone know what would occur if the Scots pound was brought back?
20 Apr 2004
we want independence, oh but can we keep the £ and keep it linked to you for stability and to protect us from any possible economic failure in the future...

NO, if you're independent from the rest of the UK you can bloody well invent your own currency and stand on your own two feet.

cake and eat it ?, get stuffed

rant over

My thoughts as well, SNP (Who have watched Braveheart one too many times) want the pro's and very little of the cons, the fact they threaten not to take on any of the RBS debt (They should take all of it) if they were not allowed to keep the £ takes the ****.

Overall we are stronger together than apart, Scotland half splitting off is ill advised at best
26 May 2009
Another point, was the pound not created under the existence of the union? (as in the modern equivalent, not the old standard via gold/silver)

Due to the shared soveriegn, we should be entitled to keep a hold of the currency surely?

(Not my area, just came to mind, probably has no basis).

IIRC, the way it works is that Scottish money is not actual money, it is basically proxies for English money held in a vault somewhere (in £1000, £10,000 and even £1 million notes, the type that exist but are not in general circulation, for use by banks) because Scottish notes must be backed by English notes.
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