SNP to break up Britian?

17 Oct 2002
We'll take our share of the debt, that's not quite the same thing as the deficit in public spending. Both countries would have their own, so to speak.

"Pocket money" - hard earned Scottish tax revenue.

It's opinions like this, in such pejorative terms, that are the most self defeating in these debates.

Man, seriously, there is enough content for a debate?
Let's not forget we are all human and want to make our mark on life.
Let's also not forget that humans are resistant to change.

With the hell in a handbasket that goes on in our everyday lives, when most UK folks work for an HQ that resides overseas, is this really a time for us to be picking sides instead of looking more at the interests at heart?
There are plenty more Scottish people begging in Argyle Street that really don't care for this debate, and then there is us with a 'reply' button and a vote.

SNP son't solve our problems, a lot of them ain't political.
29 Aug 2003
Enough content for debate? Who said there wasn't?

As the Coalition inflict more horrors onto society against the will of Scotland; yes this is the time to be deciding if we want to control our own political will.

If they aren't political, what are they, these problems?
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
As the Coalition inflict more horrors onto society against the will of Scotland

Not liking the current administration seems like a very silly reason to vote Yes in isolation. The coalition will cease to exist in 2 years time anyway!

Why do you constantly refer to 'The will of Scotland' and the opinion of Scotland as if everyone in the entire country is one entity which shares your viewpoints?

What is Scotlands 'will'?
14 Nov 2004
The North
This may have been mentioned, but if there is a yes vote and the union is absolved, will Scotland cease to be a Kingdom? If not, who would be head of state?



11 Dec 2004
I don't see how given they have accepted, in full, the electoral commissions advice on the matter.

It is in/out, both Governments agree.

they may agree with the electoral commission, but it doesn't mean when the time comes for the vote they will still agree, especially if its looking like going one way more than the other before the vote.

hell they still haven't worked out how to ask the question, no one has said what it will be and i bet when they do finally get around to it one side or the other will complain.

honestly can you see it being a straight in/out vote and neither side will try and fiddle with the question ? as i cant.

i remember watching a news piece about this last year before they signed it in to law and both sides where spouting much bullpoop over how they ask the question, as apparently writing down "do you want a independent scotland yes/no" is too damned complicated.
13 Aug 2008
This may have been mentioned, but if there is a yes vote and the union is absolved, will Scotland cease to be a Kingdom? If not, who would be head of state?

Having the answers to questions like this and hundreds others doesn't matter apparently. People are going to vote and have absolutely no idea what they are voting for other than "oil, lol!"

Seems crazy to me.
25 Sep 2009
they may agree with the electoral commission, but it doesn't mean when the time comes for the vote they will still agree, especially if its looking like going one way more than the other before the vote.

hell they still haven't worked out how to ask the question, no one has said what it will be and i bet when they do finally get around to it one side or the other will complain.

honestly can you see it being a straight in/out vote and neither side will try and fiddle with the question ? as i cant.

i remember watching a news piece about this last year before they signed it in to law and both sides where spouting much bullpoop over how they ask the question, as apparently writing down "do you want a independent scotland yes/no" is too damned complicated.

You have to be really careful in wording these types of questions to avoid it being 'loaded'.
26 May 2009
This may have been mentioned, but if there is a yes vote and the union is absolved, will Scotland cease to be a Kingdom? If not, who would be head of state?

The union would not be absolved by a single member leaving.

And you wonder why you were called arrogant and egotistical? It is about everyone in the UK, not just Scotland.

It may concern everyone in the UK, but it involves and is about the people of Scotland.



11 Dec 2004
You have to be really careful in wording these types of questions to avoid it being 'loaded'.

yeah, because asking "do you want a independent scotland. yes/no" is really hard.

im sorry but if scotland wants to be independent of england then thats what they should be voting for, not for varying degree's of independence, its in or out.
22 Nov 2005
Do you not want Scotland to be an independent country ? yes/no

Seems confusing enough to me.

personally I wish they would hurry up and get on with it
3 Jun 2005
West Sussex
The politicians on both sides are looking incredibly stupid in my opinion.

How on earth does Salmond expect to take Scotland to independence without sorting out probably the most important thing, the currency. Even if they do keep the pound, how on earth will that work? Surely many things would be under the control of the bank of England. They would be like Greece in the Euro and if they desperately needed to adjust the economy would be powerless.

Likewise why on earth didn't the UK say all this from the beginning? Surely they could have used that as an argument for the Scottish people.

All looks like an ill thought out mess by both sides. So much is maybe, probably or might be. Have they sorted out the EU position yet? Last thing I heard they were saying that Scotland would have to wait in line after applying for membership. Salmond says they are automatically members but then the Spanish kicked off.
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7 Sep 2009
West Lothian, Scotland.
The politicians on both sides are looking incredibly stupid in my opinion.

How on earth does Salmond expect to take Scotland to independence without sorting out probably the most important thing, the currency. Even if they do keep the pound, how on earth will that work? Surely many things would be under the control of the bank of England. They would be like Greece in the Euro and if they desperately needed to adjust the economy would be powerless.

The Scots are already pretty much powerless. Our 8% of the population doesn't exactly garner us much say and what the Bank of England and the UK Government do on the whole is to the benefit London, the currency itself, or to the UK on the whole.

If those could prosper at the detriment of Scotland, I have no doubt it would be done, but I hazard a guess that Scotland being worse off will not benefit the rest of the UK in either event.

Likewise why on earth didn't the UK say all this from the beginning? Surely they could have used that as an argument for the Scottish people.

Because, evidently, they're making it up as they go along. There is no "better together" campaign, there always was and always will be a scaremongering campaign. This seems to be working on my fellow Scots for the time being, but it setting up a massive swing should the "yes campaign" counter this, which they'll be best doing closer to the time.
27 Jun 2005
Aberdeen, Scotland
A lot of the opinions in this thread are so narrow minded and basically racist that it makes me realise even more that Yes is the correct vote.

I have one question for you all:

If you think Scotland will fail miserably, and Scotland contributes nothing to the UK - then why do you care so much if we leave?

If there are absolutely no downsides for England on Scotland leaving the UK then why do you, David Cameron and Darling care so much?

Why not just be happy for us and let us vote and decide ourselves?
6 Sep 2005
A lot of the opinions in this thread are so narrow minded and basically racist that it makes me realise even more that Yes is the correct vote.

I have one question for you all:

If you think Scotland will fail miserably, and Scotland contributes nothing to the UK - then why do you care so much if we leave?

If there are absolutely no downsides for England on Scotland leaving the UK then why do you, David Cameron and Darling care so much?

Why not just be happy for us and let us vote and decide ourselves?

I have to admit, I'm not too fussed whether you leave or not :p
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