SNP to break up Britian?

29 Aug 2003
got to say after watching salmond of late he really does just blurt out what he thinks is best at the time doesnt he. take the whole money mess thats going on now, will scotland keep the british pound, make its own or go to the euro, salmonds supported each option over the years and i wouldnt be surprised if he came up with another one later in the year.

if this is the guy the scots really want to lead them to independence then god help them.

This is the guy that a large majority of the electorate want to lead Scotland, evidently. He remains one of the most popular politicians in Britain with regards to polls, which is quite something for a party that's held Government for so many years now.

He's a bit of a marmite sort of guy, even amongst SNP voters / supporters he won't be universally acclaimed yet the SNP are still as popular in Government as they have been.
26 May 2009
You may hate either myself or Alex Salmond, but that I'm being compared to such an astute politician in the first instance is quite a compliment actually. For me anyway. :)

I was actually defending you, its Slimeond I dislike.

I don't think that's true at all, I actually agree with UKIP policy on EU withdrawal, I don't think their racists for that or just opening their mouths, but some of their comments I cannot condone.

So you don't think what I said is true, but you agree with it O.o not really understanding that reply.
29 Aug 2003
I think he wants you to reply to everyone in one post rather than one at a time :p

Yes, I would rather people just come out with their criticisms direct instead of faffing about with implications to be honest.

Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Depends how I feel, and how the discussion is going. Seriously long posts are a bit of an off put though so.

Again it's just an unfortunate case example of personal criticisms over substance in debate.
29 Aug 2003
I was actually defending you, its Slimeond I dislike.

Ah, sorry. I read it as slimmest for some reason, I thought you were implying I was fat. :D

So you don't think what I said is true, but you agree with it O.o not really understanding that reply.

I don't agree that nationalism makes an English person xenophobic, with the exception of racist nationalism.

Sometimes, UKIP as an example, have said some things in the European parliament that cuts close to the bone as far as I am concerned.

But no, I wholeheartedly disagree that if you happen to be English and discuss nationalism you are a racist. This thread itself would testify otherwise, it's clearly an inflammatory comment.
26 May 2009
I don't agree that nationalism makes an English person xenophobic, with the exception of racist nationalism.

Sometimes, UKIP as an example, have said some things in the European parliament that cuts close to the bone as far as I am concerned.

But no, I wholeheartedly disagree that if you happen to be English and discuss nationalism you are a racist. This thread itself would testify otherwise, it's clearly an inflammatory comment.

Ahh, we're in agreement then, that's basically exactly what I was saying, guess I just phrased it badly.
27 Jun 2005
Aberdeen, Scotland
if this is the guy the scots really want to lead them to independence then god help them.

Personal opinions on Salmond aside - we are not voting for Alex Salmond. It's a vote on Scottish Independence and has nothing to do with him as a figure or leader.

In fact, the proposed date for Scottish independence is March 2016 - the current term of the SNP government ends in May 2016.

So the SNP specifically set a date whereby we can vote for independence if we want it, get it in 2016 and then vote for a completely new Scottish parliament as we choose.

You could even theoretically see a Scottish Conservative government leading an Independent Scotland (let's use our imaginations! :) )...

This is not about Salmond.



11 Dec 2004
maybe so, but i still say the guys a bit fast and loose when it comes to specifics and has a habit of changing things to suit the current conditions.

just got to weigh up what deal he cobbles together in a couple of years i guess and see if it really is a in or out question, or (as i expect it to end up) some form of out, out a bit more, out with a little bit of cheese and so on. still get the feeling its going to end up rumbling on for years to come no matter what happens.
29 Aug 2003
maybe so, but i still say the guys a bit fast and loose when it comes to specifics and has a habit of changing things to suit the current conditions.

just got to weigh up what deal he cobbles together in a couple of years i guess and see if it really is a in or out question, or (as i expect it to end up) some form of out, out a bit more, out with a little bit of cheese and so on. still get the feeling its going to end up rumbling on for years to come no matter what happens.

Yes, it will. You'll either have a lot of fanfare and fuss over a newly independent Scotland, or a lot of celebrations come acrimony over the continuance of the Union but with Scots now expecting further reform and extension of devolution.



11 Dec 2004
wouldn't be surprised if its a no vote that salmond and co will demand a 2nd vote because the question was asked the wrong way. same with the yes vote. just cant see it coming down to a in/out question it will be convoluted to hell and back.
27 Jun 2005
Aberdeen, Scotland
Yes, it will. You'll either have a lot of fanfare and fuss over a newly independent Scotland, or a lot of celebrations come acrimony over the continuance of the Union but with Scots now expecting further reform and extension of devolution.

One of the many reasons I'm voting Yes is that if the vote comes back as No the actual chance of Scotland getting any more devolved powers is precisely zero.
22 Nov 2005
Or, more accurately, it's a divorce and Scotland should be entitled to it's share of assets it helped build up.

The Union didn't spawn Scotland. The Union was createdly jointly be Scotland and England.

so your happy to take your share of the deficit ?
or is it just a bunch of kids moving out again wanting to keep there pocket money , hqave mummy do the washing , daddy drive you anywhere you want like a personal taxi service etc ?
17 Jul 2011
so your happy to take your share of the deficit ?
or is it just a bunch of kids moving out again wanting to keep there pocket money , hqave mummy do the washing , daddy drive you anywhere you want like a personal taxi service etc ?

I don't think anyone has suggested Scotland wouldn't take a share of the deficit. The rest of your post just makes you look like a child, a bit unnecessary.
27 Jun 2005
Aberdeen, Scotland
so your happy to take your share of the deficit ?
or is it just a bunch of kids moving out again wanting to keep there pocket money , hqave mummy do the washing , daddy drive you anywhere you want like a personal taxi service etc ?

Yes we will take our share...

How do you decide what that is though? Simply by population? It's not easy.

But yes, Scotland would take our share of the deficit.
29 Aug 2003
wouldn't be surprised if its a no vote that salmond and co will demand a 2nd vote because the question was asked the wrong way. same with the yes vote. just cant see it coming down to a in/out question it will be convoluted to hell and back.

I don't see how given they have accepted, in full, the electoral commissions advice on the matter.

It is in/out, both Governments agree.
29 Aug 2003
so your happy to take your share of the deficit ?
or is it just a bunch of kids moving out again wanting to keep there pocket money , hqave mummy do the washing , daddy drive you anywhere you want like a personal taxi service etc ?

We'll take our share of the debt, that's not quite the same thing as the deficit in public spending. Both countries would have their own, so to speak.

"Pocket money" - hard earned Scottish tax revenue.

It's opinions like this, in such pejorative terms, that are the most self defeating in these debates.
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