so whose mrs earns more than them?

We used to be on the same but I am now a student and she got promoted. I am really proud of her for her achievements. However we do not live together so shared income isn't a factor in our relationship.

It would only be an issue if we were struggling as a family unit with a low income and I felt I wasn't pulling my weight.
I don't care my missus is awesome. Aslong as I am working what I bring in is irrelevent. I feel bad for you if money bares such a meaning on your status. My other halves basic wage before commission is more than what I earn, but I've been there for her and she is there for me. It's our money either way it's looked at.

Just be happy the money is there, if you want more money do something about it but don't break yourself trying in this current climate a job is more important than anything.
Just be happy the money is there, if you want more money do something about it but don't break yourself trying in this current climate a job is more important than anything.

Felt the need to quote this too - Without going to much off topic, I've never done any overtime in over two years now! Way I see it is if we cant survive with our basic wage then there's something seriously wrong! I value our free time off together as being so much more important than working my a$$ off earning extra £££. Add to the fact that we both work some crazy shifts and you'll soon learn to appreciate your time off. :)
Does it really matter who earns more than you,sounds very old fashioned to me and greedy because you want to earn morey,just count yourself lucky you have two wages coming into your household.
I don't understand why it's even thought of as some sort of problem. It's just one person earning more than another, nothing more.

Is this some sort of throwback to the days where men thought women weren't mentally capable of making decisions or something (not being able to vote for example)?
My wife earns more than me and has done so for some time.

Does it matter to me?

Nope, as we have no demarcation on whose salary belongs to who, we are a family unit and our income belongs to us as a unit, not to each of us individually.

I'm exactly the same. Wifey earns about £35-40,000 more than I do, but mainly because I'm now a stay-at-home-dad and only work part-time.

Like you, our money is our money. Despite it seeming like a very logical arrangement to me, I've never met anyone who shared this kind if financial unity, and I even know husbands and wives that loan each other money :confused::confused::confused:

I don't feel any less masculine for it as I'm contributing to the household in other ways. In fact, I kind of like moaning that she doesn't give me 'house-keeping' money in front of people for the stereotypelulz.
Not yet. Though in a year she'll finish her degree and probably be taking home more per month after tax but only because she will get money for using the car, fuel etc. With the overtime we do I'm still ahead by about 5k a year.

Couldn't care less though. If she got a job on 60k and that meant I didn't need to work it wouldnt bother me in the slightest. I'd love to be a stay at home dad (when the time comes). I love my job too.

forde said:
Like you, our money is our money. Despite it seeming like a very logical arrangement to me, I've never met anyone who shared this kind if financial unity, and I even know husbands and wives that loan each other money :confused::confused::confused:

I think its a little different when the couple earn wildly different amounts such as yourselves. If you operated on "what I earn is mine" then you would have no money for yourself which obviously isn't fair since you are looking after the home/sprogs. If the couple are both earning similar wages though then I think it's less of an issue.

We earn fairly similar amounts unless I'm pulling overtime. Big stuff tends to come out of my account (new appliance, bathroom etc) because the overtime does make a difference. But if we are buying stuff for ourselves it comes out of our wage packet, not each others. If I want a new PC then I pay for it. I wouldn't expect her to pay for something she doesn't use and which is a non essential toy. Same as she doesn't expect me to pay for makeup and clothes and stuff.

My mum and dad are like yourself. My dad earns the money and my mum stayed at home and looked after us. So if she wanted something it just came out of the joint account because it's the only fair way of doing it when one person is staying at home.
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I think its a little different when the couple earn wildly different amounts such as yourselves. If you operated on "what I earn is mine" then you would have no money which obviously isn't fair since you are looking after the home/sprogs. If the couple are both earning similar wages though then I think it's less of an issue.

I suppose so, but in my case I still earn enough for groceries, bills and I buy all the birthday presents, etcetera.
Yeah my gf earns a little more than me. It doesnt matter though as we share our money. Thats how we can afford nice things :D

If it wasnt shared and she was off buying nice things and going out and I was staying in eating baked beans then that might start to grate but it is her money at the end of the day.

I am super beta though so whatever she wants thats fine by me :cool:
Not yet. Though in a year she'll finish her degree and probably be taking home more per month after tax but only because she will get money for using the car, fuel etc. With the overtime we do I'm still ahead by about 5k a year.

Couldn't care less though. If she got a job on 60k and that meant I didn't need to work it wouldnt bother me in the slightest. I'd love to be a stay at home dad (when the time comes). I love my job too.

I think its a little different when the couple earn wildly different amounts such as yourselves. If you operated on "what I earn is mine" then you would have no money for yourself which obviously isn't fair since you are looking after the home/sprogs. If the couple are both earning similar wages though then I think it's less of an issue.

We earn fairly similar amounts unless I'm pulling overtime. Big stuff tends to come out of my account (new appliance, bathroom etc) because the overtime does make a difference. But if we are buying stuff for ourselves it comes out of our wage packet, not each others. If I want a new PC then I pay for it. I wouldn't expect her to pay for something she doesn't use and which is a non essential toy. Same as she doesn't expect me to pay for makeup and clothes and stuff.

My mum and dad are like yourself. My dad earns the money and my mum stayed at home and looked after us. So if she wanted something it just came out of the joint account because it's the only fair way of doing it when one person is staying at home.

Are you married or just in a relationship? Once you are married I can't see any point in treating money separately once you are married.

My wife earns considerably more than me at the moment because I don't work! I have been a stay at home dad for the last 8 months. She did earn considerably more than me before I stopped working, hence it made sense for for me to be at home. I should be going back to work soon hopefully as my daughter is starting nursery. It never bothered me that I earned less, though tbh I haven't liked earning nothing. When spending on myself I would prefer to know I have earned it.
The wife will soon be earning around £10k more than me. It's "our money", though, so not a problem.

Just wish I earned a lot more, too, then "we'd" have more to play with!
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