so whose mrs earns more than them?

I would love my wife to be earning more than me. I would be a houseman :)

Sit on my ass all day watching dvd's and playing games, then spend the hour before she comes home on a house cleaning dash, making it look like i've been busy all day. If only :(
Right now, mine brings in more than me (child benefits being full time mother ATM), whereas Im in college and do 12 hours on a Sunday.
Im currently on a managers course in work that will allow me to be a manager on the weekends and earn what she does in a month in 2 weeks.

We've got the agreement though, her money will be to pay bills and food and mine will be for luxuries, any left over from hers will be savings for the little 'un.
So OP - someone who you potentially might want to settle down with is likely going to be bringing more money to the table.... I'm failing to see the problem here...

Think about it if the situation was reversed, if you pursued a modest to low paid academic career and she was working minimum wage, you'd likely struggle to get a house, would have to save money in order to afford to go on holiday - it would suck basically.

Personally I'd be very thankful that your partner is going to go for some grad scheme, getting some high paying job and you are free to pursue your academic career.
Yup, Wife is on £43k (primary teacher - year head) and I'm on £34k.

When we move to Canada she'll be a deputy head on £68k and I'll be a house husband, teaching the kids to snowboard :-)
when my mrs qualifies she'll be earning what I was earning last year as her starting salary. :eek: Logic follows that in a few years, I can retire. Or, continue working and be stinking rich

im on just over £15k after tax she is on about £20k after tax.

im a truck driver she is a trainee solicitor.

she has just started her training contract so when she finishes that will prob double. her wage will go up and up until she becomes a partner then she is on £100k +. i can prob reach £18k as class 2 driver.

doesnt bother me as we share all earnings.
When my father took early retirement (his missus told him to as he hated his job) she was earning four times as much as him and he was on a decent salary as well. She still works and he just chills out.
I earn more than my OH. Bit of a concern actually for the future because if/when we have kids, it'll be the bigger income that will be reduced for a while. As in the OP, I'm in teaching so have quite a steep increase at first (about £2k a year for first few years) so the gap will get wider.

Don't think he feels weird about it though.
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