so whose mrs earns more than them?

Yep about £7k more and works from home to boot, although currently she's on maternity leave so I'm wearing the trousers now.

After she's ironed them, obviously.
I always laugh at couples I know who are so tight with who has paid for what, did you pay last time, blah blah, you owe me £5 etc etc etc.

We have a house, we earn similar money, more to life then worrying about who earns/owes what money.

Either of us getting a pay rise is good for both of us.
No, because I'm the only earner at the moment. She looks after the littleluns although two are at school now, so next year when the youngest start's - she's either going to work for me or find a job.

Working for me will be helpful, but one of us may end up dead.
No, she doesn't earn more than me but between us we have a very tidy income for twenty-somethings. We're moving in together in five weeks time, and we've already opened a joint account where we're putting 'x' a month into plus 15% of what's left over (as both of our incomes vary month on month to a degree) - so if she earns more, and more than me it just means more is going into the collective pot.

I don't get the whole alpha male thing about earning more, surely you want your loved ones to do as well as they possibly can?

(not to mention she wants kids at some point and my only real condition is that they don't go to a comp school, so we need to be able to afford a proper school - and if she wants the kids she can bloody well pay for it ;) )
My other half isn't too sure but thinks she'll most likely end up working in her degree field(graphic design) but she's not ambitious at all, she'd happily take a job which gave her a relatively safe and reasonable income if it meant she was happy, where as I'm the opposite, a lot more driven for higher earning positions and fields.

I find her less ambitious ways far more attractive than a highly driven 'career women'. Might be old fashioned but I just can't stand women like that. It's not feminine or attractive, in my perhaps narrow minded opinion.
She makes 12k a year more than me, yet for some reason I still buy EVERYTHING ?..
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My girlfriend earns significantly more than I do. I'm a software developer, she's a barrister.

It's never caused any serious problems. If we go somewhere particularly expensive and it was her suggestion then she'll offer to pay. Otherwise things are split 50/50.

I've never felt jealous - I certainly wouldn't want to work the crazy hours that she does.

(but, yes, I'm sure that I'm now less of a man in OCuk's eyes :p)
My wife hasn't worked in over 7yrs. Cos she's a stay at home mother. However before when living in England, she had her own business which brought in much more than I was bringing in. Before the business I was bringing in more..

If its a good strong relationship then it'll always go into one pot.

However I can see why a certain type of woman would hold it against you, if she earned more. Plenty of those kind around. and plenty of divorces to go along with that type of woman. Luckily mine isn't one of them.
After completeing both our PhDs, mine in a computer science related field and her in a bussiness management related field, she earns approximately 83,000GBP and I will earn about 62K ounce I start including an estimated bonus (could be a little more). So she earns about 1/3rd more than me. What is crazy is her salary is based on 9 months of teaching, 4 months of the year she is free to work where she wants. She also has no required office hours.

Me, jealous, yes! But realistically, the more she earns the better for both of us.
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