Acanthoscurria geniculata, CB 02/03, 3€
Aphonopelma seemanni, CB 04/03, Nymphs, ready soon
Avicularia geroldi, CB 03/03, 4€, 5/17€, 10/ 30€
Brachypelma auratum, CB 5/02, some singles, 10€
Brachypelma albopilosum, CB 06/02, some singles, 5€
Brachypelma smithi, CB 03/03, 5€, 5/20€
Brachypelma vagans, CB 02/03 3€
Brachypelmides klaasi, CB 06/02, 10€
Ceratogyros bechuanicus, CB 03/03, 4€, 5/17€, 10/ 30€
Chilobrachys huahini, CB 02/03, 3€
Chilobrachys fimbriatus, CB 03/03, 12€
Eupalaestrus weijenberghi, CB 02/03, 5€
Grammostola actaeon, CB 02/03, 12€
Grammostola aureostriata, CB 02/03, 4€
Grammostola pulchra, CB 12/02, 4€,
Grammostola rosea, CB 02/03, 2€, 5/ 8€, 10/15€
Poecilotheria rufilata, CB12/02, 12€
Hysterocrates hercules, CB 02/03, 4€,
Lasiodora parahybana, CB 03/03, Nymphs, ready soon
Lasiodora (Vitalius ) cristatus, CB 03/03, Nymphs, ready soon
Nhandu (Brazilopelma) collotaravillosum, CB 03/03, 3€, 5/13€
Psalmopoeus reduncus CB 01/03, 8€
Theraphosa blondie, CB 12/02, 14€
Adult Females:
0.2 Aphonopelma bicoloratum, XL: (5,5 cm BL), 40€,
L: (4,5 cm BL),35€
0.1 Avicularia geroldi, (6 cm BL), L, 40€
0.1 Psalmopoeus irminia, (5 cm BL)L, 40€
0.2 Grammostola rosea, (5 cm BL) L, 15€ each
0.1 Haplopelma lividum, (5cm BL), L, 35€
0.1 Poecilotheria formosa, (6cm BL) , 80€
0.1 Poecilotheria regalis, (7cm BL) 70€
0.1 Poecilotheri fasciata,(7cm BL), 60€
The postage as a secure and fast letter to UK is 5€, as a parcel for adults or quantities more than 10 slings 10€!