So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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Originally posted by Lostkat
The T. purpureus also shot up my arm and up my top whilst I was trying to re-home him. I took my top off and felt him scamper all the way down my back and run across my arse.

Originally posted by Lostkat

My A.Avic looks just like that - gorgeous :D erm.. does that mean my A.Avic is actually a A.Versi ???

Originally posted by DHR
All three have started climbing the walls the past two days or so, it doesn't matter if they're away from the heat or not either.
Too wet, I learned this one the hard way too. You'll end up with a set of unhappy/stressed out T's and probably mites too.

Houdini my B.Vagans Moulted last night - the red hairs on his arse are an amazing scarlet colour! Also gave him a new home - he's big enough for an Aquazoo 1 now :)
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Half off topic subject. I'm after a small tank for my spiderling (its 2.5-3cm's in legspan at the momment). Has anyone got anything at hand they could send me, i was going to get an aquazoo but as far as i can tell even the smallest is too big :(
Originally posted by DHR
Half off topic subject. I'm after a small tank for my spiderling (its 2.5-3cm's in legspan at the momment). Has anyone got anything at hand they could send me, i was going to get an aquazoo but as far as i can tell even the smallest is too big :(
For my 1cm - 4cm spiderlings I got some small Tupperware type tubs from the local ASDA then drilled some very small holes in the lids that did the trick and only cost me around 50p each..
Originally posted by DHR
Half off topic subject. I'm after a small tank for my spiderling (its 2.5-3cm's in legspan at the momment). Has anyone got anything at hand they could send me, i was going to get an aquazoo but as far as i can tell even the smallest is too big :(

I use old jars. As long as they are clean they should be ok. I have some spiderlings in small jars and some of the bigger ones in large coffee jars. I fill them with boiling water and leave them whilst I drill holes the lids. :)
Bit off topic, but can anyone give me a quick answer to this question please?

Just about to order some Locusts from GLF....what does LPP mean?

For example, they're selling Adult Locusts for £2.50 or LPP Adult Locusts for £4.65?

What's it all about? :confused:


[EDIT: Just realised that the LPP packs have twice the ammount of Locusts, so probably just a bigger pack that saves you 45p :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by Repo
My A.Avic looks just like that - gorgeous :D erm.. does that mean my A.Avic is actually a A.Versi ???

Well, the easy way to tell is if you've had it from spiderling, the A. avic will have started life as a little pink sling with black feet, and the A. versi would have been a bright turquoisey colour. However, if my memory serves me correct, you got this as a sub-adult, in which case, I believe the red abdomen is found on A. versicolor, but not A. avicularia. So if yours has a nice red arse like mine, then it's probably a versicolor...... I wouldn't complain though :D
The one on Phong's site has a petrol-in-water coloured abdomen. The versicolor on the other website has definite red hairs on the abdomen and also some on the legs too Like this Both spiders do look very similar though.
Cleaned all the babies out last night. I was expecting more hastle from ziggy (the bigest of the 3) but it turned out to be the smaller two that were causing trouble!!

All are on nice clean substrate now that isn't too wet :) and as i left the house at 6:45 this morning they were all having a good munch on son meal worms!

Speaking of which i ordered some food from global live food and got the special three pack deal for £6.99! Now i decided to get some wax worms expecting them to be in the same size pack as the crickets and meal worms, they turned up and they're in a tiny tub! I didn't have a long look having said that but it looked like there were only one or two in there, will have to have a proper investigate tonight!
Having had two moults already this week, I'm expecting a third. My Tigerrump has holed itself up - which is exactly what it always does just before a moult. Unlike my Redrump or Pinktoe which seem to moult instantly, the Tigerrump sometimes takes a week or two to go from pre-moult to acutally moulting though.

BTW anyone have a caresheet for Blue Fang? All I've found so far is that they are terrestials.

Well, my salmon pink spidering moulted the other day but I'm not sure how long I should wait before dropping in some food.

How long would you recommend I wait as I don't want to drop anything in if the T is not ready?


Re: Question

Originally posted by azrael357
Well, my salmon pink spidering moulted the other day but I'm not sure how long I should wait before dropping in some food.

How long would you recommend I wait as I don't want to drop anything in if the T is not ready?


I too have a Salmon Pinky, mines currently around 3 - 4 inches long now and she moulted a few weeks ago. I waited about 6 days before feeding and she seemed happy with that...

I had some fun last night I dropped about 6 small crickets (ones that are too big for my slings) in with my S.Pinky - remember that game "Hungry Hungry Hippo's" well she basically killed all 6 in about 20 secs and sat there with all in her jaws lol...
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Re: Re: Question

Originally posted by azrael357
How long would you recommend I wait as I don't want to drop anything in if the T is not ready?
I've seen sites that say to wait a week before feeding them after mouting. I usually wait until their fangs are black again - which often just takes a few days.

Originally posted by St0n3y
I had some fun last night I dropped about 6 small crickets (ones that are too big for my slings) in with my S.Pinky - remember that game "Hungry Hungry Hippo's" well she basically killed all 6 in about 20 secs and sat there with all in her jaws lol...
My A.Seemani does that with mealworms - 3 at a time all scrabbled up and being munched on :p
A fun one I find is to take on of those Darkling beetles (what mealworms turn into) and put it on one of the leaves of the fake plants inside the tank. The beetle is useless as climbing so aimlessly walks back and forth trying to find a way to get off the leaf.

When my Bohemei notices it, she usually assaults the plant, its really funny to watch.
Originally posted by Nexus
A fun one I find is to take on of those Darkling beetles (what mealworms turn into) and put it on one of the leaves of the fake plants inside the tank. The beetle is useless as climbing so aimlessly walks back and forth trying to find a way to get off the leaf.

When my Bohemei notices it, she usually assaults the plant, its really funny to watch.
Hehe, I love the noise those beetles make... CRUUUUNCH! It's very satisfying feeding your T's one of those. I am also particularly fond of locusts... It's amazing how much guts T's have when it comes to tackling something twice their size :D

Anyway, ANOTHER moult last night. Rio finally flipped over after 3 MONTHS of not moulting. That's quite a lot for a 4.5" allegedly fast-growing species. Anyway she's grown rather a lot, and so has her attitude. I think she must have just hit puberty because she's all angst ridden all of a sudden.

All I had to do was nudge her and she tagged the forceps with her white soft fangs and gave me a full threat posture. Oh well... I suppose at least she didn't kick any of those god awful urticating hairs at me.


Oh and on a sad note, I waved goodbye to my little male P. irminia tonight :( He's on his way to Llandudno in Wales to have a threesome with 2 horny female P. irminias. I don't expect I shall see him again because the females are apparently quite nasty... but I suppose it's better to die trying.... Good luck little fella :)
Originally posted by Lostkat
I don't expect I shall see him again because the females are apparently quite nasty... but I suppose it's better to die trying.... Good luck little fella :)

Best way to go ;)

My B.Vagans did something similar when I was taking his old skin out. First time I've ever had the threat posture off him!

BTW what sp is Rio? I forgot and can't be bothered to go back through fifty odd pages looking :p
Originally posted by Repo
Best way to go ;)

My B.Vagans did something similar when I was taking his old skin out. First time I've ever had the threat posture off him!

BTW what sp is Rio? I forgot and can't be bothered to go back through fifty odd pages looking :p

She's an Acanthoscurria geniculata
Had a bit of a panic last night I checked on my tiny tiny L.Cristata and thought it was dead :( as I saw a curled up bundle in the corner of its tub..

Turns out it had moulted in the day and was hiding under the peat - still very small and transparent though!

/Edit just got home and my P.Cambridgei has also moulted
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