So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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I decided to smuggle my Ts into my new halls and haven't told anyone yet. Infact nobody Im living with has been into my room since the first night I moved in as its pretty quiet so it doesnt seem that keeping them should be a problem.

I'd still like a true Aboreal at some point. I might go see what the pet shop I used near Bradford has now that Im back up north.
My Poecilotheria Ornata moulted in the night, checked it this morning and it was still struggling to get out of its old skin (seemed to be stuck to the abdomen) so I helped the poor little bugger using tweezers. Looks like it has lost one of its front legs but not sure where its gone as its no where to be seen?? (and its not in the old skin). Its starting to get some of the adult colour which is good news..
Originally posted by St0n3y
My Poecilotheria Ornata moulted in the night, checked it this morning and it was still struggling to get out of its old skin (seemed to be stuck to the abdomen) so I helped the poor little bugger using tweezers. Looks like it has lost one of its front legs but not sure where its gone as its no where to be seen?? (and its not in the old skin). Its starting to get some of the adult colour which is good news..
One of my ornatas had a bad moult around 7 weeks ago now, and is still yet to eat or shed. It's looking painfully thin but I think it can drink...
I'm hoping it sheds out successfully soon. Don't worry about the leg unless it appears to be leaking haemolymph - and if it is a touch of talcum powder helps it scab over.
Make sure it always has water if it can't feed (spraying the sides of the tank helps)
I've loved reading this thread and looking at all the pictures - Great stuff! :)

Question: Don't your Tarantula's get freaked out when you take a picture of them using the flash......?
Originally posted by jmc777
I've loved reading this thread and looking at all the pictures - Great stuff! :)

Question: Don't your Tarantula's get freaked out when you take a picture of them using the flash......?

The Eumenophorinae subfamily (African tarantulas including Hysterocrates) are quite sensitive to light levels. Other than that, they don't really seem to mind :)
Originally posted by Lopéz
One of my ornatas had a bad moult around 7 weeks ago now, and is still yet to eat or shed. It's looking painfully thin but I think it can drink...
I'm hoping it sheds out successfully soon. Don't worry about the leg unless it appears to be leaking haemolymph - and if it is a touch of talcum powder helps it scab over.
Make sure it always has water if it can't feed (spraying the sides of the tank helps)
I’m really hoping that every thing will be ok with my P.Ornata, because out of the 5 T’s I had from Sven this one is by far my favourite. I just love the way that my P.Ornata rips apart any cricket in its tank even if it’s not hungry.

My G.Rosea lost a leg a few years ago and grew it back after a few moults so I’m not that worried about the leg but talcum powder sounds like a good idea if it doesn’t heal soon.

Hope everything turns out well with your P.Ornata..
Originally posted by St0n3y
Looks like it has lost one of its front legs but not sure where its gone as its no where to be seen?? (and its not in the old skin).

It will be in the old skin. Probably still stuck to it, so you won't be able to actually see it. My P. irminia lost one of its legs in the maturing moult, but it was stuck inside the old skin. The only way I could tell was because that leg was slightly less flexible on the skin than all of the others. You probably won't be able to tell from such a tiny skin though.
Gutted :(

Just got home and my P.Ornata is on its back with the legs curled inwards not a very good sign, I've tried touching it with my paint brush and absoultly no movement and it seems very limp - I fear the worse :(
Although spiders generally die on their fronts, this won't be the case if it's fallen or rolled......I hate to say it but it sounds like the trauma of the moult was too much for one so small :(
Complete bummer... :(

These Ornata's are absolutely gorgeous too... I'd console yourself with getting another one... and maybe a P.Formosa (Salem Ornamental) too ;)

Currently on my wanted list:

Well its deffo dead :(

I think it was on it back because last time i saw it, it was hanging upside down from some web.

I'm deffo going to get another Pokie and I really want another P.Ornata but I cant find any forsale :(

I'm very tempted to get a P.Regalis instead as Sven is currently selling S'lings and I also saw an sub-adult female forsale down the local petshop last weekend.
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Originally posted by St0n3y
Well its deffo dead :(

I think it was on it back because last time i saw it, it was hanging upside down from some web.

I'm deffo going to get another Pokie and I really want another P.Ornata but I cant find any forsale :(

I'm very tempted to get a P.Regalis instead as Sven is currently selling S'lings and I also saw an sub-adult female forsale down the local petshop last weekend.

Sven has some Ornata's too for €6 - [email protected]
Originally posted by Repo
Complete bummer... :(

These Ornata's are absolutely gorgeous too... I'd console yourself with getting another one... and maybe a P.Formosa (Salem Ornamental) too ;)

Currently on my wanted list:

Just to echo Repo's sentiments, get a replacement - the sooner the better :) You have to accept that these are exotic animals with a staggeringly high rate of attrition in the wild - deaths are bound to happen, and generally it's due to moult complications. :(

Repo, Vinmann has some regalis at the moment cheap,
Also I'm hoping to pick up a few hatchling regalis next month to keep in a communal setup.

Oh, and I know someone who should have a P metallica eggsac or three within a month or so and the spiderlings might just be coming on sale in Europe.....
I saw your post on the Brum-T's website about the Poecilotheria Metallica - wow that is a stunning T :)

If there are some sling going about please let me know as I would be very interested in getting one.

As for replacing my dead pokie :( - hopefully I may get a P.Regalis at the weekend if the money’s right but if not then it’s back to Sven for either an P.Ornata or P.Regalis and a T.Blondi (sorry can't resist!!)
I hate spiders i kill them when i see them, why are so many people afraid of spiders. A friend has all types of creators one being a centipede that burns your skin if it crawls on you, it escaped from its box in hes room and hes not bothered about it, I'm always having to look on the floor when i visit.
Originally posted by hsp70
does vinmann understand english lopez? my german is very rusty. (gave it all my to my teachers after my gcse's :p )
As long as you talk to him in BBC basic English he's ok :)

I would like to order

  • How much money including postage to UK?

    If you look at his list (do yourself a favour, select all in Word and increase the font size!) you will see that he doesn't put each species on a new line.

    Just a few tips:
    Vogelspinnen = Spiderlings
    Große Tiere = Subadults and Adults

    Some of his typical descriptions would be:

    Avicularia versicolor, 2-3-jährige Tiere, ausgefärbt, 4-5 cm, Weibchen 45 EUR/Männchen 35 EUR;
    Avicularia versicolor, 2-3 years old, adult colours, 4-5cm, females 45€/Males 35€

    Ornamentvogelspinne Poecilotheria ornata, großwerdende sehr schön gefärbte Baumvogelspinne, Nachzucht gut angewachsen ca. 3-4 cm Spannweite, gut fressend, schnellwüchsig St. 8 EUR/3 St. zusammen 20 EUR;
    Ornamental bird eating spider Poecilotheria ornata, eats well, grows large, beautifully coloured tree dweller, well grown, 3-4cm, 8€ each/3 for 20€;

    ; Homoeomma spec. Peru, neue, superschöne Art, Carapax und Oberschenkel dunkelgrün/blau, Abdomen mit silberner Behaarung,in der Mitte oranger Streifen, sehr friedliche tagaktive Art, bis 6 cm Körper, Weibchen St. 45 EUR/ Weibchen subadult St. 40 EUR/Männchen subadult St. 25 EUR;
    Homoeomma species, Peru, super new and beautiful species, dark blue/green carapace and femurs, orange abdominal stripe with silver hairs, very docile and active by day, body length of 6cm, females 45€/ sub-adult females 40€/ sub-adult males 25€

    Postage is on the pricey side, but that's the case almost everywhere these days. :(
Thomas is excellent. His English isn't bad at all (as long as you keep it simple as Leon has said). The only problem I had was sending him the money. He doesn't accept credit card, paypal or anything like that. In the end, I ended up sending him euros by international recorded delivery, but I didn't really like having to send cash in the post.

Other than that, he's a great guy. He answered all of my questions and replied to all of my emails. All the slings arrived in clear-lidded containers, which was very handy when you're trying to re-home them. They also have the hatching date of the slings on which is great for your records as you know how old the spider is.

He's also very cheap.

One thing worth looking out for is his multiple buy offers. This is usually on slings, such as the poecilotheria. For example;

Poecilotheria regalis, NZ 2. Haut St. 6 EUR/3 St. 15 EUR
P. regalis. 6 euros each or 3 for 15.

You can keep these guys communally until adulthood, so it's a good offer. I was buying 2 anyway, one for me and one for Leon. I figured that an extra 3 euros for a baby regalis was more than worth it :)
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