So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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My Tigertrump moulted over a week ago now, lanky little sod he is ;)

Rich @ Brum-T's has some adult female bicoloratum's for sale for £40 .. is that overpriced? Great looking T, but I'm nt sure it's worth 40 squids :confused:
Originally posted by George
Anyone here want to have an a.metallica for £5 inc. (and a c.rose if the bugger is still alive in his burrow.

Both slings, the c.rose is very small but the a.metallica is quite big, i'd say about 1" legspan.

I'll take them off your hands m8..

Email me here - [email protected]

Not seen you on here for a few weeks? have you lost interest in your T's
Originally posted by Repo
Rich @ Brum-T's has some adult female bicoloratum's for sale for £40 .. is that overpriced? Great looking T, but I'm nt sure it's worth 40 squids :confused:
Difficult to say. Put it this way, you can be sure he's making a healthy profit on it, but then again they aren't exactly common as adults and big ones were fetching £25-£35 at the BTS in May.

Up to you really - I'm trying to reduce my spending on adult females to be honest :p

And yeah, I posted earlier and edited when DHR corrected me, Guy's site is - well worth checking out regularly, he's a very knowledgable guy.
Oh damn, I just tried emptying the jar with the C.rose in, and it's not there!

I've been through the whole thing, and it definately isn't there.

But it can't of escaped, the lid hasn't been off for more than 5 seconds at a time and it never climbs anyway..

It's REALLY mysterious, where the hell has it gone? :(
Psalmopoeus irminia & P. cambridgei for sale Posted by Richard Gallon
Psalmopoeus irminia spiderlings
Captive bred with 2cm leg-spans. This is a fast growing, colourful, arboreal tarantula which is easy to keep.
£3 each -:- £12 for 5 -:- £20 for 10
Also available:
Psalmopoeus cambridgei large juvenile females (5-6cm leg-spans).
£15 each
Postage and packing £3.

These are well worth the money, Richard is not only a nice block and reputable breeder, he's also the guy who revised a lot of the African genera recently (including Pterinochilus) and knows his stuff. One of the few good qualified taxonomists in the field.
Houston, we have moults :D

Check this out. This is my Chilobrachys sp."burmensis", Kayah.
She was a dull uniform tan colour, but one shed later and BAM! What's happened!? Where did those gorgeous blue-grey legs come from?
Serious attitude already, and this is the biggest growth in one moult I have ever seen, she's put an inch on her legspan easily.



Originally posted by DHR
Also while i'm here, one of my spiderlings decieded to bury itself in its own burrow last night! There is just a moulnd of soil blocking up the entrance. Any reason for this or has it just done it for the sake of it

I posted that on the 29th, :( the spiderling is still burried and there is no sign :( I don't know whether to uncover and check, or to just leave it be :( incase its still alive :( Don't want to loose it :(
Looks like I'll be having a moult off my L.Parahybana as the bald patched on her abdomen that were a white/pink colour have now gone almost black also she aint eaten a bean for over 2weeks...

My P.Ornata sling buried it’s self in a cocoon for about 10 days before it moulted. It actually came out to moult and the rest well we know how that went :(
Originally posted by Lopéz
Leave it be :)
If it's dead or dying there is nothing you can do to help.
If it's moulting you might disturb it :)

What species is buried?

This is the problem i'm not 100% sure! there was a mix up with a couple of the spiderlings.
Lopez - FYI some of the links in the first post of this thread arent working.

also you said not to feed them with insect found in the garden because of infection/mites etc. im sure ive read that some ppl here do that, any1 had any probs? ( i dont actually have a T, im just interested)
Just thought i'd let you all know :)

I've just opened up my Tarantula Lair forums ( please check it out. It'd be excellent to have some good support.

Few little long term projects i want to get underway once i have a good few members.


P.S: I'm looking for mods ;)
Originally posted by -LaSeR-
Lopez - FYI some of the links in the first post of this thread arent working.

also you said not to feed them with insect found in the garden because of infection/mites etc. im sure ive read that some ppl here do that, any1 had any probs? ( i dont actually have a T, im just interested)
I personally don't use wild caught insect food for 3 reasons

1) Mites/other disease
2) Pesticide exposure
3) It's a lot of hard work for not a lot of reward

Oh, and on Friday I received no less than 7 new spiders all the way from France :D They're all pretty small so the pictures won't be up to much, but I'll get them posted soon anyway :)
Well I'm back from a wicked weekend at Leon's and I've brought home a couple more slings to add to my collection. I've just acquired a Poecilotheria rufilata (my fave obtainable pokie), a Poecilotheria fasciata (hopefully going to mature into a male so I can mate him with my adult female, Tamil), a tiny E. cyanognathus (blue fang) and a Heteroscodra maculata (Togo starburst).

The only one big enough to get a decent pic of is the H. maculata. He's absolutely beautiful and A LOT bigger than I expected. He must be about 2.5-3" in leg span. He's a whopper!!


Just a warning for anyone who is tempted to get one of these. They are incredibly nasty spiders, and aren't recommended for beginners at all. Not only are they extremely fast, but their venom is one of the nastiest in the tarantula world. You do NOT want to get bitten by one of these guys! However, kept correctly and treated with the utmost care and respect, they're fine.
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