Solar eclipse to plunge Britain into darkness - March 20th

And a slightly earlier one :).


Managed to catch a break in the clouds :).


(Taken from my garden in Bath)
best ones I got

Unfortunately once the moon was covering a lot it went cloudy so couldn't see it through the telescope, but could see it perfectly through cloud with ya normal eyes as it wasn't bright.

Solar glasses and lenses worked perfect until cloud cover started, but the clouds only arrived at about 50% eclipse, there after was cloudy, but still got amazing views.

Went really windy all of a sudden as temperature dropped, then freezing cold could see your breath, it went really dark one or two street lights came on.

and silent, jesus was it silent wasn't a single noise at all


Was a bit rubbish in Surrey this morning. It got a bit dingier but not dark by any stretch of the imagination. I was hoping, at least, that it would get dark due to the cloud cover, so I guess ~87% obscurity is only enough to replicate the levels of light seen shortly after a setting sun.

My girlfriend's family live in Seattle so we could just marry up our yearly trip to coincide with the eclipse.
As I correctly predicted last month it was cloudy here. It was actually raining. Everytime something interesting is going on in the sky it's cloudy and this week has been no exception. Monday night was excellent conditions for the Northern Lights and it was cloudy. The local news the next day then made things worse by showing nice pictures of the Northern Lights. :(
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