Solar panel production figures

Man of Honour
26 May 2012

nearly 11GW of solar at peak today though...pretty impressive
3 Dec 2012
Kent, much sunnier than Scotland
Had two emails arrive over tyhe weekend. This is the best place to willy wave I suppose :)
How come you've got export payment and FIT export?

I still get the generation FIT payment but no longer the deemed FIT export, when I started getting paid for export I had to give up the FIT deemed export, you shouldn't have both, and in most cases your better off getting the full export rate.
19 Oct 2010
I love your eye for details @Ron-ski, you've been in this game for a decade + like me :)

My only conclusion is Octopus (my export) and E-ON (my FIT) have not spoken to each other properly.

When I sigend upto Ocotpus Export I gave them all info on my FIT. I could have moved the whole FIT to Octpopus but was told that would delay the application so I chose to keep FIT with E-ON and give up the deemed export. I chose option 3 and did all of the bits required. Who knows. I'll keep my head down YOLO.

To help you make your decision, here’s a bit more info on how this affects your Octopus export journey.

1 - I'd like to move my FIT Generation and FIT Export to Octopus, but don't want to switch to an Octopus export tariff

  • You’ll need to fill in the FIT transfer form (linked at the bottom) and we’ll close your Octopus export application.

2 - I'd like to move my FIT generation to Octopus and switch my FIT Export to one of the Octopus export tariffs

  • You’ll need to fill in the FIT transfer form (linked at the bottom) and we’ll wait for your FIT transfer to complete before taking the next steps to move you to Octopus Export. Please be aware that due to the high volume of FIT switch requests at this time, it is currently taking approximately 6 weeks for us to start processing your FIT switch request. Once it is processed, it can take another 4 weeks for the FIT switch to complete. If there are any problems with the switch (i.e. missing information or requiring any updates to your FIT agreement), this can elongate the switching process, further delaying your export application and the start of your export payments via our export tariff. Once the FIT switch has completed, we’ll ask you for a final FIT export read when we’re ready to move you to Octopus export.

3 - I'd like to keep my FIT Generation with my existing FIT supplier but switch my FIT export to one of the Octopus export tariffs

  • We can start the Octopus export journey right away, and we’ll let you know when to submit a final FIT export read to your FIT provider in order to end your FiT export with them. This FiT export update is something which we won't be able to do on your behalf and MUST be done by your current FiT provider at your request, but this is the fastest way on to an Octopus export tariff.

If you would like to switch your FIT agreement to us but you do not wish to wait for the FIT switching process to complete before starting your export payments on our export tariff, you can choose option 3 and request to switch your FIT agreement to us at a later date once the initial export application has completed."

Edit: Looking back at emails Octopus did mess up the application and customer services needed to get involved. Also half way through the application I moved from Octopus GO to Intelligent Octopus GO. So that changed the export account I was going onto. Potentially my "firm" emails with their CS rep just made them enable the account withought going through the full FIT export remopval process?
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8 Oct 2006
yup, theres some bug systems in this thread.
I have a plan to increase mine 50% by adding an overhang on each side of the workshop which means I can add 4 more panels each side and conveniently also get a load of extra storage space outside the main shop. But even then it's a mere 9.45. Given the E/W split, the best my 5kw inverter hit yesterday was 4.2kw so while I'll clip on the very best days at the peak, it would do good the rest of the year.

I'm assuming anyone using the Giv stuff is also using Predbat at this point?
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