Hah given I spend a couple hundred in petrol every month I’m not sure the maths works out without the EV either!
Yeah pretty good day given it wasn’t perfect clear skies, think it’s my highest yet. I reckon by the start of next month I’ll be easily breaching 20kWh on nice days.
I’m really seeing where the benefit from microinverters like solar edge would be… with a roof like mine at this time of year it just reaches a point where the optimisers give up and the whole string collapses rapidly to low level even though several panels are still in direct sunlight.
Production in the afternoon this time of year would be notably higher with a micro inverter setup… but then there’s higher upfront cost and efficiency losses with AC coupled batteries to consider.
I think if I were to install a system again on a roof subject to shading at certain times of day I’d be sorely tempted to go the microinverter route… it’s frustrating to see a good 6 panels in direct sunlight and nothing but a few hundred watts being produced. If it were a microinverter setup then those panels would have been happily chugging out a good 2kw or so vs the few hundred watts I actually get. I hadn’t appreciated quite how the string gets dragged down even with optimisers (which just prolong the inevitable).