Solar panels and battery - any real world reccomendations?

I think Go faster had more stringent requirements to join right? The off-peak being 21:30 is certainly a better time, especially if you like to do a bit of PC gaming or watching telly before bed.
My guys seem very confident that they have availability, they have recruited more fitters as well recently
They did say they had taken delivery of over 400 batteries just before they visited me!
I assume thats a container load.
Probably, guess demand is so predictable they can just pre-order on bulk for the extra savings :)

Just swapped my GO tariff over to the Go Faster tariff ready for the Winter, 5 hours available to charge the battery over 4 hours with the original GO.
+ get more use out of the 9.30pm start time.

My old GO fix was to end on the 24th September. RIP
sorry for my ignorance, not started looking at the flexible rates as still on a decent fix, what units is that price in?
Probably, guess demand is so predictable they can just pre-order on bulk for the extra savings :)

sorry for my ignorance, not started looking at the flexible rates as still on a decent fix, what units is that price in?

Unit prices are in per Kw in time period listed. (electricity)
I much prefer Go Faster, I went straight to it from Agile as it made the most sense. Especially as the 20:30 (now 21:30) start time mean off peak things can be done at a sensible time with out depleting the battery if they are heavy draw.

Original Go was used as we had a couple of storage heaters for background heat, no more as they use a huge amount of electric.
Now with batteries, Go faster is the better option for charging.

New item added over the Summer for background heat, Eberspacher D4 Plus fitted into a cavity wall that used to be a doorway (now a window)
Fitted an old bread oven door on the inside to access it.
4Kw+ of instant heat out of a 100mm duct recessed into the wall, runs off heating oil, cheap to run. (As used in narrow boats for heating)
Just need to swap out the flex tubing fuel line to copper with a shut of valve to make it compliant.
This with the multi fuel stove/wood burner, heating should be covered.

I'm now ready for Winter :)
New item added over the Summer for background heat, Eberspacher D4 Plus fitted into a cavity wall that used to be a doorway (now a window)

Had an Eberspacher on the old canal boat, was great for winter use and central heating, much nicer than having to clean up dust from the stove. Didn't have the same cosy feeling though. :p
@Troop hope the Eberspacher doesn't smoke like some of the ones on our old trucks when they start up.

Not had that problem with the D2/4 range of Eberspachers, now the older LC models they were a pain when the gauze that was used to atomize the fuel around the glow plug coked up .... then they would smoke like hell.

I have 5 D2/4 and 2 LC Eberspachers, always got on well with them,
LC's are in a box in the shed but they did serve me well. :)
I've got a huge box of old night heaters at work, Webasto & Eberspacher, I much preferred the older ones, far simpler to strip down and rebuild, even used to replace the bearings in the fans. But the newer ones do seem more reliable.
@Journey @Troop where do you see the option for switching to Go Faster?

I can't see it in the site or the app apparently, but I wonder if it's because the Go hasn't completely finished yet.

Shows this even though I can see the rates are updated.

I'm sure I've missed loads but this is such a big thread it's hard to find.

Has anyone just installed a 3-5kW battery (or similar) without solar panels? If so how did you go about it, where from etc? Looks like you can just buy the batteries directly and could you then work with a separate electrician?
I'm sure I've missed loads but this is such a big thread it's hard to find.

Has anyone just installed a 3-5kW battery (or similar) without solar panels? If so how did you go about it, where from etc? Looks like you can just buy the batteries directly and could you then work with a separate electrician?
AFAIK you would still need the inverter to go with the battery and most of the additional wiring to do it properly/safely/to standard.
@Journey @Troop where do you see the option for switching to Go Faster?

I can't see it in the site or the app apparently, but I wonder if it's because the Go hasn't completely finished yet.

Shows this even though I can see the rates are updated.

Go here first,

Add postcode, then under filters chose domestic and smart.
All the rates available to you will be listed.

Copy the info for the deal you are after.

Email that info to Octopus stating that you would like to change to that deal/tariff.

That's all I did to get on the Go faster tariff, I was on GO before I switched.

Edit to Add.....wait for your GO tariff to complete first.
Have you had an Email that your GO is Live from a certain date?
Go here first,

Add postcode, then under filters chose domestic and smart.
All the rates available to you will be listed.

Copy the info for the deal you are after.

Email that info to Octopus stating that you would like to change to that deal/tariff.

That's all I did to get on the Go faster tariff, I was on GO before I switched.

Edit to Add.....wait for your GO tariff to complete first.

Thanks, thought that might be the case.
Thanks, thought that might be the case.

Added to the original post, asking if you have had an email conformation that your GO is live from a specific date?

The bar graph above "readings available" mine stayed in that state for 6 months after I was being billed for GO.
It only changed/disappeared after they did something that made my live display actually show with the real Octopus unit rates.
Added to the original post, asking if you have had an email conformation that your GO is live from a specific date?

Seemed to say right away in the email, I also see the rates and stuff in the dash.

"Just to confirm, you've now switched to Octopus Go and your new rates are now live."
Seemed to say right away in the email, I also see the rates and stuff in the dash.

"Just to confirm, you've now switched to Octopus Go and your new rates are now live."

Yes, you're on the GO rate then.

Just ask to switch to the tariff you want, be aware they are snowed under with correspondence via Email, so might be a while before they get back to you.
Probably 10 days plus,

When the new switched tariff is accepted it will look like this in your dashboard.

Yes, you're on the GO rate then.

Just ask to switch to the tariff you want, be aware they are snowed under with correspondence via Email, so might be a while before they get back to you.
Probably 10 days plus,

When the new switched tariff is accepted it will look like this in your dashboard.

Not unhappy on Go tbh, in some ways it's swings and roundabouts, could cause havoc if I ask them to switch me to Go Faster and they want proof of EV :O
Not unhappy on Go tbh, in some ways it's swings and roundabouts, could cause havoc if I ask them to switch me to Go Faster and they want proof of EV :O

That's why I changed tariff via email and not the phone, they were told I had no EV when I joined up originally, stated I had solar and battery but no EV.
They were happy with that. (At that time)
Sorry didn't see your message, I just called them or e-mailed them and asked to be switched when I did it

Did you have to fill anything special in? query for both you and @Troop.

They sent me an email with a link to a Typeform thing, which said it's a manually applied tariff and can take up to 2 weeks to get ready.

The typeform asks a bunch of questions, in order below.

Are they wizening up here?

Seems to be a public link, you don't have to complete it to see.





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