Solar panels and battery - any real world reccomendations?

Having had a look at the Victron stuff that people recommended it does look interesting, and definitely appeals to my more DIY nature! Are there any good forums to do some research on the different components; and does anyone know any decent Victron installers in the South-east (Brighton/Sussex/Kent area preferably, or willing to travel!)
Does anyone also know if it's possible to install the Victron Quattro inverters outside (or in some form of IP-rated enclosure?). We need to mount the batteries/inverter/anything else related to our Solar install outside (albeit under the eaves and within a sheltered hidden location).
Having had a look at the Victron stuff that people recommended it does look interesting, and definitely appeals to my more DIY nature! Are there any good forums to do some research on the different components; and does anyone know any decent Victron installers in the South-east (Brighton/Sussex/Kent area preferably, or willing to travel!)

Victron forums, and Bimble Solar are in Brighton area, they are a very good dealer of Victron, but not an installer they do have some contacts though.

Does anyone also know if it's possible to install the Victron Quattro inverters outside (or in some form of IP-rated enclosure?). We need to mount the batteries/inverter/anything else related to our Solar install outside (albeit under the eaves and within a sheltered hidden location).

Not aware of full outdoor protection, you'd need an enclosure built to your specification if you want the whole lot in there, as you'll needs fans in it for air draw, and vents for expelling the warm air as well.
Wow, project solar really are dumb.
I humbled them with a 7 day meter read as requested, which they ignored and took the last reading and said it's 4% higher than our original estimated yearly output your system would produce.
Ok....but I have actual data, not estimates, here that says otherwise. As much as I showed them, they wouldn't believe it and said it's working fine.
But if I pay £325 (their call out fee after 12 months) they will come and check it all out and replace any parts under warranty.
Just a little dubious the electrician will say it's all fine!
And there's no tigo optimisers in stock either, till around Jan.
Been looking at the Octopus Go tariff. Might be better value for me in the height of Winter when I can't really count on the sun to charge the car during the day. However it would mean my standard rate goes up quite a bit.

But, I guess that might be likely to happen anyway?
Wow, project solar really are dumb.
I humbled them with a 7 day meter read as requested, which they ignored and took the last reading and said it's 4% higher than our original estimated yearly output your system would produce.
Ok....but I have actual data, not estimates, here that says otherwise. As much as I showed them, they wouldn't believe it and said it's working fine.
But if I pay £325 (their call out fee after 12 months) they will come and check it all out and replace any parts under warranty.
Just a little dubious the electrician will say it's all fine!
And there's no tigo optimisers in stock either, till around Jan.

I'd object to them, and refute using a standard 'guess' as that isn't how the world works.

£325 is ridiculous when you know there is a fault with the system somewhere, and its this sort of crap that makes me glad I sourced my own gear and sorted out and helped with the install, no one to go back to and no costs.

I'd just keep pestering them on the phone, and via e-mail until they send some one out free of charge, and if they don't and you paid any of it on credit charge, start a section 75 against them with your card provider.
Been looking at the Octopus Go tariff. Might be better value for me in the height of Winter when I can't really count on the sun to charge the car during the day. However it would mean my standard rate goes up quite a bit.

But, I guess that might be likely to happen anyway?

40p/kwh isn't miles above the expected cap, which would be like £0.36 maybe once announced.

For that extra 4p/kwh you can charge the car for 7.5p instead of 36 or 40p overnight, among other things.

You have to run the numbers I suppose.
@HungryHippos I did not get anything like that, they just swapped my GO to Go Faster after I emailed, this is in the last 2 weeks.

I think in your situation, you're already on GO, safe option is just stay on GO as you have just joined that tariff.
I did not get anything like that, they just swapped my GO to Go Faster after I emailed, this is in the last 2 weeks.

I think in your situation, you're already on GO, safe option is just stay on GO

Decision time will be early next year when Agile is likely superior, as the sun would charge up the battery basically every day in the summertime I think.

But then might be harder to get back onto Go vs just renewing it if already on it.
It's standard T&C's, after 12months there's a call out fee.
In my paperwork it's £250, but 5 years on that's gone to £325.
I don't know by law if the £250 should stick for 25years, I'd have to ask someone.
They clearly are burying replacement part costs in the call out fee though, or something like that. Warranty parts are free for them, so they don't need to charge £325.
Another company I spoke to is £75 call out.

I did argue back and he said if dissatisfied, pay us to come out for a full check.
They will replace all parts under that cost, but they won't commit to no more costs for roof access.
I'm already on an economy 7 tariff. 30p day, 20p night (or thereabouts). So, I don't think it's going to make a huge deal / saving to move. Unless those prices shoot up.

I'm only charging a couple of school runs worth most days (between 5-10kw).
@Bug One

The Go tariffs really come into their own when you have a battery to charge overnight/solar, that you can use to offset your daytime/evening consumption by drawing power from the battery, costing you 7.5p V 40p.
Out of interest, can you get an SEG contract with someone that isn't your supplier? Or is it a case of if your supplier is a registered licensee you have to stick with them?
I'm hoping that this price cap stuff ofgem does will eventually also take into account a minimum price paid on SEG.

The current delta is crazy, it doesn't make sense to invest in solar at all unless you use a lot of electric or can store a lot for use in batteries.

People who over-produce and help the grid out with exports are being screwed over.
Project solar have finally stated £325 to come out and fix includes everything, even if they need scaffolding.
My only concern is the guy who comes out says nothing is wrong and they just walk off with my money....then all the hassle to sort that.
Plus there's no Tigos in stock till Jan! Doh
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