Solar panels and battery - any real world reccomendations?

For those that love the data is there a way to or has someone already set up an excel sheet for either automatic entry based on solar input if that is possible or manual data entry for how much your system has saved.
It gets horribly complicated, I simply can't be bothered to try and even track it accurately, the moneys spent, and its saving/earning me money.

There are various spreadsheets around if you look.

I shall probably just work it out roughly based on the electric we used to import, oddly we import a lot more now, just export a lot more as well :D
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not yet... a lot of moving parts in the whole calculation, what with generation, export, battery based off peak shifting. Plus we added a plugin hybrid at roughly the same time as the solar install which has thrown our usage up a load, but defiantly want to have a break even countdown on my dashboard at some point! Currently working on a solcast prediction shading adjustment to try and make the forcasts a bit more accurate :)

Forecasting is always tricky and more often than not mother nature will just make you look like a clown :D
It gets horrible complicated, I simply can't be bothered to try and even track it accurately, the moneys spent, and its saving/earning me money.

There are various spreadsheets around if you look.

I shall probably just work it out roughly based on the electric we used to import, oddly we import a lot more now, just export a lot more as well :D

Indeed, I know a lot of folk love their data and integration and whether its themselves that done it or found a template thought id ask at least. I have been modifying my electricity usage sheet though and getting back into excel a bit more and will work on things as time goes on but I did try googling but every result I kept getting was for a payback calculator and lots of variations I tried was the same lol, you know the ones where you say what you use, your system etc etc etc and it gives projected figures.

Best case scenario I can finally get it installed and running by end of June, worst case I hope July.

My latest victory (I confuse very easily so its a victory for me) is coming to grips with the "If" formula in excel so it only displays a sum if all cells it references have data in them rather than it saying for last day of this month -462kwh because I have no entry for 12pm yet which in turn screws up totals for end of month to add up as I go along.
Some hope for those installing batteries later, mind you installers will probably jack the prices up, and probably won't apply to DIY installs.

Some hope for those installing batteries later, mind you installers will probably jack the prices up, and probably won't apply to DIY installs.

About damned time, this is the only reason I dont have solar panels AT ALL atm it was grueling to try and find a solid battery
PV is already VAT free, as are batteries if you have them installed at the same time.
yeah I know but if I wanted to get ~20kw storage the vat would be enough to store more panels on the roof I wanted to get it all done at once and save on the vat of just having batteries done later. There are the batteries I want then hte batteries I have to have that will fit in the space I got.

Not sure why all big 50kg+ batteries that have wide bases HAVE to be wall mounted its not like they are going to tip over in the home.
yeah I know but if I wanted to get ~20kw storage the vat would be enough to store more panels on the roof I wanted to get it all done at once and save on the vat of just having batteries done later. There are the batteries I want then hte batteries I have to have that will fit in the space I got.

Not sure why all big 50kg+ batteries that have wide bases HAVE to be wall mounted its not like they are going to tip over in the home.
Always the option of stackable batteries in a cabinet. Think those big batteries can sit on the floor though they probably just need tethering to stop tipping if as others said somebody started pulling on them.
Always the option of stackable batteries in a cabinet. Think those big batteries can sit on the floor though they probably just need tethering to stop tipping if as others said somebody started pulling on them.
that is what I was going to go for, I could understand it in an earthquake or unstable area but UK shouldn't be required unless they are going outside.

Bloke was supposed to come round this week to measure up roof but not heard anything from him :(
I have a 3 rack cabinet but it seems overkill unless you have loads of space for one, I had 1 Fogstar rack battery on the floor screwed to a timber on the wall to keep it secure, but I just added 2 more batteries and bolted them all together to see how they looked before final placement & connections . They dont even need fixing to the wall now, 150kilo isnt going anywhere fast. The only problem I see is dust, being in a garage those unused ports are going to need blanking & my ocd isnt going to like dirty screens.
Anyone recomend a company in the North East/Newcaslte as I am looking to get solar installed in the next few months?
This news article makes interesting reading.

Apparently there's a better way to recycle now...microwave the panels!


Attempting (second year) to get solar installed and have now been told we need to wait for a G99 form to be complete, any idea how long this will take ?

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