Some Questions about LOTR: Online (well 8 actually :P)

tomanders91 said:
Im on the last quest in the begginers bit, but its just impossible at the level im at now, so many goblins to kill, then some big magic guy who finished me off.

Is it the guy at the top of the hill?

try to find someone to help you kill him, shouldnt be too tough :)

once thats all done i think you can pretty much complete quest and move into main area
flibby said:
You are probably in the "newbie" zone. When you start the game, you aren't actually placed in the real game world, instead you are inside a seperate area of the world that only people starting the game are allowed in. When you exit this area after completeing all the newbie quests, you'll start seeing A LOT more people around. But really it's generally very quiet on most servers in Elf land, mainly because the "central" area of the world tends to revolve around Bree, everyone congragates there instead of other areas for some odd reason.

About the quests, you'll find they pick up from about level 10. Most of the starting quest are really just introductory quests to get you used to your character, especially since you are most likely in the "newbie" zone which as mentioned isn't a proper part of the real game world.

Are you sure about that? i saw a level 46 on a horsie ride past me while i was in the newbie zone, i then got to this place called coombe. Is that still in the newbie zone?
Down1oader said:
I then got to this place called coombe. Is that still in the newbie zone?
*** SPOILERS ***

Nah, Combe is when you leave the Newbie area. You would have intially started in a cage at the start, with Amdir. You can talk to him and either skip the introduction which skips the whole newbie area and you enter the main proper game world, or continue through the introduction area. Then do that whole section where Amdir gets struck down by the thingy on the black horse. You then load into the newbie area. You do some quests there, and eventually you do an "instance" where Archet is burning. When you complete that, you enter the main game world and can get out of Archet and into Combe.

But Combe is definetly not in the newbie area.
Mp4 said:

Does LOTR reward you when your offline ? gain xp quicker on kills etc, like wow?

Yeah, pretty much the same as WoW, except that you don't have to log out in an inn to get the bonus. You also get destiny points as you level and do epic quests, and one of the things you can use these for is accelerated XP gain.
Sleepery said:
Yeah, pretty much the same as WoW, except that you don't have to log out in an inn to get the bonus. You also get destiny points as you level and do epic quests, and one of the things you can use these for is accelerated XP gain.

Nice , might have to invest in this LOTR
Hedge said:
Is it the guy at the top of the hill?

try to find someone to help you kill him, shouldnt be too tough :)

once thats all done i think you can pretty much complete quest and move into main area

You talk to the dwarf called dwalin or something, and you automaticly travel to a cave/ruin complex sort of thing, and you go through killing various goblims, other dwarves etc, then this big magic guy at the end, might have to look around newbie world for some more quests to get my XP/level up.
Im really trying to get into the game but finding it very hard, i think im out of the noob server, as i did the last quest and traveled to a completely different location, once again everywhere is empty, i did 1-2 quests in this area, but there doesnt seem to be any indicaters on the map showing you the direction of your current quest, so i started exploring and went to the shire because its one of the most well known places in the books/films, thinking there would be loads of people there, but theres not, its empty, i nearly died on the way by wolves that were chasing me. Maybe its because im not enjoying being an Elf/hunter, although i enjoyed using bows and stuff in guild wars.

One thing i need to ask is, whats the main point of the game? Because when i played Guild Wars, you do quests to level up your character, but mostly just to make them strong for the Missions, missions which make you progress through the game and have meaning to them, there doesnt seem to be anything like this in LOTRO, just walk around doing quests and thats it? is that the whole point of it? Is it the same in all other MMORPGS (except guild wars, although most people say its not an MMORPG).

there are thosands of quests that are for xp, leveling up etc

but there are also epic quests, these are split into 8 or 9 "books" at the moment.

its the epic quests that are really the aim of the game as they tell a story and see u interacting with charcters from the books,

u need to do the normal quests to enable u to reach the levels required to start and finish the epics,

im currently level 38 and im on epic book 4 chapter 2.

what level are you currently at?

also what server are you playing on? im on snowbourn (admitedly one of the busy ones) and there arent many places i can go without seeing other players around.

(admittedly i found the shire a bit quieter and also boring! as the quests wernt as much fun) make your way to bree then u will have loads of quests to choose from and also there will be loads of ppl about.
SK07 said:
Pay for a key? nah screw that.
If you're not wiling to pay a mere £2.50 for a 7-day trial, does this mean that you're also not willing to pay £17.99 and then £9 per month to play the proper game? If you can't afford it then this game is not for you, but if you're just being a cheapskate then you're going to have a hard time getting a key.
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Ulfhedjinn said:
If you're not wiling to pay a mere £2.50 for a 7-day trial, does this mean that you're also not willing to pay £17.99 and then £9 per month to play the proper game? If you can't afford it then this game is not for you, but if you're just being a cheapskate then you're going to have a hard time getting a key.
I wouldnt pay for a key if it is actually free to begin with. I can afford it easily , its the principle.
Down1oader said:
I wouldnt pay for a key if it is actually free to begin with. I can afford it easily , its the principle.
They are free, but you can only get one if you know someone with a copy of Lord Of The Rings Online who hasn't already given their key away, it's a buddy system and most people are hesitant to give them away to someone who isn't their "buddy."

When people ask for a key and nobody answers, just like is going on in this thread, spending £2.50 on one is a far more than reasonable alternative. Thus I expect not to turn up their nose at me and say "Spend £2.50 on something I can beg for, moi!?" just because I link to said viable alternative.
is there anyway to get a indicater on your radar telling you what way you need to go for a specific quest?, also what about map travel?

Thinking about giving it another go, but as a man instead and on a busier server.

Whats the most busy server?

edit: Never mind, wont update anyway now, just says http error or something.
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