South Yorkshire Police Thought Crimes

7 Nov 2004
East of England
For those questioning why there are never any actual police officers to come to your burglary it's more than likely that the very officers that would have come and seen you 10 years ago, are now sat in the station endlessly "logging" things. From 17 year olds who haven't come back before their curfew to the local childrens home for the 346284 time, to logging domestic arguments, to logging mental health incidents, to children arguing with each other over snapchat (now common referred to as a malicious communications :rolleyes:), to someone saying something mean over the internet.
6 Apr 2011
If you're referring to Cortonwood, then yes that's one time they have their priority straight. But what of the legal and static car club meets they've shut down by blocking the entrance to private land preventing innocent car owners from parking up and showing off their cars? The ones not causing any trouble and then claiming in press releases that they have no problem with that.

That's the two-faced nature of SYP. Tell everyone what they want to hear and making promises when they have no such intent. I bet they told all the CSE victims that they'd be safe too.....

Not my point, police asking? Tell them ffs, take their cars, scrap them. They will stop then.
22 Nov 2006
Why are people like this given positions of power :/

I thought the police were over-stretched? Can't be that bad if they are chasing name callers...
23 Apr 2004
In the Gym
I was against the PCC post and have never or would never vote for any of these people.

Listened to JHB and that "Dr". He cannot see it and just doesn't get it it... He is the problem and people like him.
18 Mar 2008
For those questioning why there are never any actual police officers to come to your burglary it's more than likely that the very officers that would have come and seen you 10 years ago, are now sat in the station endlessly "logging" things. From 17 year olds who haven't come back before their curfew to the local childrens home for the 346284 time, to logging domestic arguments, to logging mental health incidents, to children arguing with each other over snapchat (now common referred to as a malicious communications :rolleyes:), to someone saying something mean over the internet.

Said children's home child may very well be being prostituted, you realise that right?
29 Jan 2008
Mis-wired ideologues are creeping into positions of power everywhere. This derp was from Sussex.


We need a purge.

LOL, that is pretty pathetic - I think they'd need a serious recruitment drive/massive increase in numbers to police every school playground in the country for non-crime hate incidents that they can do nothing about other than log...

Reality is kids will call each other "gay" or will say things like "man up", "grow a set", "you run like a girl" etc.. to the weaker kids - thats something for parents or teachers to involve themselves with/put a stop to, not the police FFS!
21 Oct 2011
Not just kids either. One of the managers at my last place of employment got into trouble for asking our department if anyone was going to 'man up' and volunteer to pull some double shifts to get an important contract out on time. Cue the purse lipped, perpetually offended harridans grassing him to upper management and him being sent away for 're-education'.
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Reality is kids will call each other "gay" or will say things like "man up", "grow a set", "you run like a girl" etc.. to the weaker kids - thats something for parents or teachers to involve themselves with/put a stop to, not the police FFS!

I can remember when Coppers said that to you and then smack you round the head
23 Jun 2005
Not just kids either. One of the managers at my last place of employment got into trouble for asking our department if anyone was going to 'man up' and volunteer to pull some double shifts to get an important contract out on time. Cue the purse lipped, perpetually offended harridans grassing him to upper management and him being sent away for 're-education'.

Ridiculous. As someone who's rather outspoken and not afraid to ruffle a few feathers (without being offensive to a specific group, race or identity), the future worries me.
17 Jan 2016
Not connected to the police, but an MP wanting to shut down private groups on social media. She even gets in to a debate on twitter with a few people before disappearing when someone posts a story about her using colourful language on a WhatsApp group.

This is a link to the story in which she is so inept with technology she sent sweary messages to Labour female MP's calling 2 of them out. Then realised she made a mistake.

I was going to post the link to the story but because a swear word is in the url link the site blanks it out. So on google type in "Labour MP apologises after WhatsApp message" without the quote marks. It should be the first result from the site.

Of course, her proposal today doesn't include WhatsApp, only other peoples social media of choice. This would be funny if these types of people weren't pushing for near total censorship.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
For those questioning why there are never any actual police officers to come to your burglary it's more than likely that the very officers that would have come and seen you 10 years ago, are now sat in the station endlessly "logging" things. From 17 year olds who haven't come back before their curfew to the local childrens home for the 346284 time, to logging domestic arguments, to logging mental health incidents, to children arguing with each other over snapchat (now common referred to as a malicious communications :rolleyes:), to someone saying something mean over the internet.

Last couple of times I've had reason to call the police I actually got a pretty good response - the most recent one the first (of several) police vehicles turned up literally 10 seconds after I'd finished the call.
23 Apr 2004
In the Gym
Not just kids either. One of the managers at my last place of employment got into trouble for asking our department if anyone was going to 'man up' and volunteer to pull some double shifts to get an important contract out on time. Cue the purse lipped, perpetually offended harridans grassing him to upper management and him being sent away for 're-education'.

What company was this Malevolence?

At my last place one of the perpetually offended brigade (manager - since promoted to senior since i left) had all the British flags the learners had done taken down as it was racist
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