Southport stabbings

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You cannot write it off as ' a sick person ', you need answers.

In my ( unprofesional ) opinion this was not a random attack, as in the person just snapped, it was planned and targetted.

A random attack would be running though the nearest high street / shopping centre / busy place etc.. indiscriminent victims.

This was a back street target that the assailant must have known about prior to setting out.

Why children ? Was he co-erced / assisted ?

We need to understand the reasons and shooting him, although justified, would not answer anything.

Why does he need to be alive for this? What if the animal doesn't talk?
So far all we know is he has mental issues. I don't know why we're being told his personal medical issues, especially before any court proceedings have happened.

But I hope when it gets to court we're told the reason, even if it seems bizarre to us. Because justice is supposed to be seen to be done.
I just predict now it'll be hospital order which the families wont see as justice, opens the possibility however remote of release in the future. Recent Nottingham attack is like a blueprint.
Mental health crisis, immigration, religion or not.

Who actually gives a crap.
I give a crap. Because we have to find out the cause to stop it from happening again. You, me and every sane member of our community have to put ourselves in front of all the children in our country and stop this from happening again.

To do that we must understand the cause.

If it's mental health then we must address that.
If it's immigration then we must address that.
If it's religion then we must address that.
If its something else then we must address that.

Until then it is the responsibility of ALL of us to keep all of the children in our country safe.
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Funny how the mainstream news are still trying to smokescreen the situation here. Looks like Overclockers are also leaning left on the matter!
I can see how a forum run by a PC components and systems retailer might want to avoid hosting comments that could be breaching hate speech guidelines regardless of our collective views on said guidelines.
Mental health crisis, immigration, religion or not.

Who actually gives a crap.


it's very important it be established & not just written off as some nutjob doing crazy things.

If for example he is a member of some religious death cult intent on killing innocent civilians in the pursuit of whatever insane cause, & this can be identified, the state might also be able to identify the other members and pre-emptively terminate them.
I give a crap. Because we have to find out the cause to stop it from happening again. You, me and every sane member of our community have to put ourselves in front of all the children in our country and stop this from happening again.

To do that we must understand the cause.

If it's mental health then we must address that.
If it's immigration then we must address that.
If it's religion then we must address that.
If its something else then we must address that.

Until then it is the responsibility of ALL of us to keep all of the children in our country safe.
Apologies if my post gave an indication of not addressing the issue. Yes we can address the issue and what caused this loony to go off, but what I was trying to say is, regardless of the reason its just an excuse.
We do not need them in society, they take the most resources for being rehabbed, chances are they will re-offend.
No point in keeping them alive.

it's very important it be established & not just written off as some nutjob doing crazy things.

If for example he is a member of some religious death cult intent on killing innocent civilians in the pursuit of whatever insane cause, & this can be identified, the state might also be able to identify the other members and pre-emptively terminate them.
See above, I agree.
Not saying write it off, but dont use it as an excuse to give them leniency due to their "state".
As the images of the innocent children that were needlessly slain are released to the public, the search for understanding for how such an atrocity can happen in today's civilised society begins. However this brings pain and suffering to many and that may never subside. Those poor parents of the children that died will go through the many stages of grief and are unlikely come out the other side the same. The guilt, the questions, the doubts and the hatred may be with them for the rest of their lives. The survivors, friends and siblings of those murdered and painfully hurt will be both thankful for being alive but also torn inside with survivor guilt, forever affected by the actions of one.

The parents and those close or known to the subhuman piece of filth who cause such pain and anguish will not go unaffected either. Where did they go wrong? Were there signs that a making of their flesh and blood was capable of such horror? Could they have prevented it if they just spent a little more time with them? If social services were aware could they have prevented it?

As a parent of a child in this age range I'm finding it increasingly difficult to comprehend such evil. I don't think I want to know, but we need to know to be able to prevent it happening again.
I give a crap. Because we have to find out the cause to stop it from happening again. You, me and every sane member of our community have to put ourselves in front of all the children in our country and stop this from happening again.

To do that we must understand the cause.

If it's mental health then we must address that.
If it's immigration then we must address that.
If it's religion then we must address that.
If its something else then we must address that.

Until then it is the responsibility of ALL of us to keep all of the children in our country safe.
With all due resepct, none of the above has ever been addressed in previous situations has it? It's still happening in one way or another. You could argue that if we had a tighter grip on immigration, then perhaps his parents would not have been allowed in the UK in the first place?
If it's Religion, and I'm taking a wild guess that it's Islam you are referencing? If so, how do you address a Religion that isn't compatible with a Western Christian culture? Bottom line is, we can't protect our children 24/7 & it's abundantly clear that, despite these horrific losses of life, nothing get's done.

My emotions are high, so apologise if I come over a little abrupt, but I just don't see a workable soloution unless we take tougher actions, perhaps WE do need to push our Government to make soloutions that are in the best interests of keeping our children safe, at whatever cost that might be, because I can say one thing,
if that was one of my children, I'd be moving heaven and earth to kill the *******. Once upon a time we'd riot in the streets over poll tax, now we're just content to let ourselves be walked over time and time again. The UK has lost many things over the years, but the biggest thing it lost is it's backbone.
Not really the time or place, guy clearly went there to create a scene and has succeeded.
There were a few people shouting in other clips, and I would imagine all local.
Can you blame them for being frustrated, or did you mean Starmer went there to create a scene?
Has he spoken to people personally? You really think he wasn't there for the cameras?

Whoever the Prime Minister was, they were always going to turn up and pay their respects in person to this event, one of the worst in recent memory.

Why would he just go for the cameras? He's only just become PM, it's not like he's campaigning.

Honestly, I find it sad if people are trying to 'but Labour' / 'but Starmer' this.
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