Southport stabbings

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A serious and genuine question. Because I don't know the answer; are there people with mental health issues in a permanent delusional state?

It depends whether or not they have received a correct diagnosis and are taking effective medication. If they lack either intervention then many of them are in a permanently delusional state.

Indoctrination of the young is more insidious and alarming to me.

Most of the mass-shootings that occur in the USA are done by people under 21-years-old. Once indoctrinated young people are more likely to act out violently.
The police gave that rumour the chance.

I know they need to get information correct, and that takes time, but they need a way of stopping those rumours taking off by saying they are false.
How would they stop those rumours taking off?

If the police don't know for certain they can't say.
If they say something and they get it wrong "they're lying"
If they say something and they're right "they're too slow".
If they delay "they're hiding stuff".

We had the usual crowd on here making stupid claims within minutes of the incident last night and complaining about the police weren't compromising the investigation and giving out names/ethnicities/religions/the suspects favourite TV program and pizza topping, and instead posting the nonsense from twitter and farcebook from people who had no idea but were more than willing to stir up trouble.
The riot gear came out pretty quick! I wonder where that was at Harehills.
Well the police have had all day to watch the idiots on social media calling fro trouble, which gives them a bit of time to prepare for dealing with the brain dead "true brits".
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One ’side’ is reacting, it’s the people who are causing the violence in the first instance who want this to blow up like this. That’s the whole purpose of their violence in the first place and always has been.

Say what you mean - make it clear for me.
This was all very predictable and very preventable.
Stevie Wonder could have seen this coming let alone the people in power.
It’s a sad day, but it’ll only get worse.
Buckle up people and witness a ride none of us want to be on.
People are angry at the soft two-tier policing that's been going on for years that has led certain groups to believe they can do what they want without impunity, this is the straw that broke the camel's back.
What two tier policing has been going on in Southport which is a vast majority white person town ?
This posts sounds like you have violent rioters you hate and violent rioters that you're quite protective of. Could you perhaps expand on that position?

Reform voter…..welcome to Farage’s vision of Britain.

However he’s probably too busy trying to dig Trump out of a hole right now.

They are annoyed Labour won so are striking out at any excuse. That’s the basis of it.
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It'll be interesting to know what the motive was, hopefully the police can get access to his electronic devices to find out what he reading/researching, or whether he was in contact with others - or whether it was a true, random, lone-wolf attack.
They are ruining their own neighbourhood. The council should just leave it in that state until those people come out and clean up their own mess.
How would they stop those rumours taking off?

If the police don't know for certain they can't say.
If they say something and they get it wrong "they're lying"
If they say something and they're right "they're too slow".
If they delay "they're hiding stuff".

We had the usual crowd on here making stupid claims within minutes of the incident last night and complaining about the police weren't compromising the investigation and giving out names/ethnicities/religions/the suspects favourite TV program and pizza topping, and instead posting the nonsense from twitter and farcebook from people who had no idea but were more than willing to stir up trouble.

Just say "the person arrested is not insert name here". Answer them directly. Don't dance around being all careful and tip toeing. Have some harsh words, with meaning and authority behind them.
There are people that feel helpless at these times and want to focus on the victims (rightly so), however there is also other parts that want this type of crime dealt with harshly, very harshly, and the police, the courts and the government are perceived as being soft.

People will fill that authority void with vigilantism.
It depends whether or not they have received a correct diagnosis and are taking effective medication. If they lack either intervention then many of them are in a permanently delusional state.

It can be utterly frightening to see how fast and completely delusional episodes can come on, especially as on the more temporary end of the scale that can affect anyone, apparently it's not uncommon for people to suffer from delirium from a simple UTI, especially as they get older. When my mother started talking about the babies in the garden and pointing them out to me it was ******** scary (UTI induced initially but then Alzheimer's meant it never really went away).
Absolutely and utterly out of it.

It's one of the reasons I can quite believe that people with certain conditions aren't aware of what they're doing in any normal sense, I've witnessed it first hand.
It'll be interesting to know what the motive was, hopefully the police can get access to his electronic devices to find out what he reading/researching, or whether he was in contact with others - or whether it was a true, random, lone-wolf attack.

I imagine they will interview his parents and other contacts.
I lived in Southport for a while. I used to go there as kid for fun and as a adolescent for "fun". It's a very strange place. I don't think there's anywhere like it in the UK. It's like Blackpool on weird steroids. The hinterland is no much bigger because of the proximity to Liverpool and Manchester.

There's a LOT of drugs around. There's a lot of people who would be sort of okay but aren't because of that. It's also a dumping ground for people who aren't okay because the housing stock is utterly amazing. It's Victorian guesthouse. Miles and miles and miles of it. Which is of course why it's now full of people from all over. There's no work there. Seasonal at best.
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