Spartans unite! Tonight, we dine on the NHS!

I'll clean my diet up this week then give it a go, horrifically bloated after this weekend (kebab > meal out > roast dinner > fajitas in the last 4 days)!

Shoulders yesterday lunch time though!
20kg 12
52.5kg 8/8/7
One more than last week, so happy I've not dropped 10kg!

DB Press
22.5kg 6 (too soon after my last set on OHP)
20kg 10 (too easy!)
22.5kg 8

OHP Machine SS
20kg 10/10
Front Raise SS

OHP Machine Drop Set
20kg 10
5kg 8

Lateral Raises
12.5kg 10/10/3
Last set was completely retarded, was just wildly flailing my arms around as my shoulders were dead :D

Shrugz for the Pugz
80kg 12/12/12
Everyone's favourite exercise!

So I've not lost any strenght, yet........ If anything, it's still going up. But I'm only 3 days off so far so let's not get too excited :p
is it par for the course to loss strength in the stage your at? or are you just over worrying? Its not like your going to be training less or with lower intensity, i think you will continue to make gains. How do you think the non cyclists cope!
It could just be over-worrying, I'm pretty spectacular at that you see.

However physiologically, my body will now be retaining less water. The more water your body has pumped in to the muscle, the less strength and size you'll have - very loosely speaking before someone gets all Science-y up in here!
Just time and stretches. Although I feel I need something to target lower back/glutes more :\ Hamstrings are a LOT better than they used to be though.

If you've got any suggestions, get then posted up in my log mate :)

Over and above this i have been focusing on my system from my feet up, working on soft tissue quality and flexibility/mobility from the base of my feet up. Ankle flexibility for me was really poor, and definatly a factor in contributing to my back pain. As this has improved so has the condition of my back.

Also i have been getting right in to my lower back/glutes/hips with my lacrosse ball to really work on tight spots. Foam rolling has become a nightly occurance as well, all over my legs/glutes/back especially, about 10 mins or so of general rolling before getting in to things with the ball.

I have also been doing additional core work to help strength my core, as a weak core stops me being able to brace as effectively, so reverse crunches, ab rollouts, planks.

Finally some resistance band stretching to help with my hammies mainly, while not negleting my shoulders etc.

Over the past two weeks i have seen some really posative changes, my first full on session again yesterday, and my back still feels better then yesterday morning so things must be helping.

I also have uped my protein intake to 180g per day and i have been using glutamine to aid with muscle recovery. I am posative that without doing all of the above i would feel a hell of a lot worse then i do now (based on the first 3 weeks of this year :))

Sorry wall of text i know, but its helping me so hopefully can help you.
i just brought a replacement for my 66fit one as that was to soft.

I have ordered this:

if you want something on a budget, then i think this is the one delvis has and was also nice and firm:
or another cheaper budget type one that i have used and seems good is this:

if you want pain, FF recommends this:
Aye I have the EPP one, pretty solid (more so than the blue ones you see) It works on my hammies, primarily when there are doms present otherwise you need to apply some force on to it to hit them properly.

Certainly good enough for glute work. I have the short one for reference (45cm?)
LEGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!1

Still cant squat but this session nearly crippled me.

Leg Extensions
30kg 10/15/20/25

Leg Press (flat sledge)
100kg 15
130kg 12
150kg 10
160kg 8/8/8/8
150kg 10
130kg 12
90kg 20
Guy worked in with my when I was doing my working sets, and he was totally mirin' how easy I made it look. Didn't seem to realise I almost pooped with every rep.

Walking Lunges
20kg 10/10

5kg 8/8/8
Great stretch on these, really squeezed my glutes on each rep and mired myself. Shows how **** my hammies are though, every rep made them feel like they wanted to cramp

Hammy Curlz
30kg 10/10
Slow as fuark negs, bishes be mirin'

Doesn't look a lot written down, but felt srsly joocey the whole way through.
Yeah I've been reading bro, it's making me very keen to get in on that action, but wouldn't know where to begin looking in this local area!
i just brought a replacement for my 66fit one as that was to soft.

I have ordered this:

if you want something on a budget, then i think this is the one delvis has and was also nice and firm:
or another cheaper budget type one that i have used and seems good is this:

if you want pain, FF recommends this:

Oh it hurts good. :cool: Just like having lots of mini golf balls in your back! :D

I got it from physiosupplies which is a little cheaper.
So, went and did some cardio today.

So, that was embarrassing :o

Time to start introducing more cardio I think. Honestly, 10 minutes of the treadmill was KILLER, how the hell did I run half marathons?!
Oh look another desperate double post in the MoNkeE log ;(

Did some rolling last night with a 2l bottle of Pepsi Max (no added sugar for your posterior correction requirements). Hitting my lower back was agony, I mean I literally yelped when I put my body weight on it. Had to easy myself on with my arms taking the weight and roll it up and down. Spent a few minutes doing this.

The result? Immediately afterwards, it was as if I had no lower back injury at all. I felt like a ****ing ballerina (the tutu didn't help), I think I have a LOT of soft tissue work I need to do. The dull ache is back today, but posture at work isn't helping, going to sort that out.

Will roll and whelp again tonight.
I didn't have the confidence to try, and having just been running they were painful to the touch as it was!
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