Spartans unite! Tonight, we dine on the NHS!

FF, probably should've done 140kg, but want to ease myself back in :p

Paul, struggled more with getting them in position than repping them - heavy chest is really a session where you need someone to give you a push up for the first rep.

I know those feels mate, I have never gone over 30kg on incline for this reason, feels like aids getting into position on your own. :p
I know those feels mate, I have never gone over 30kg on incline for this reason, feels like aids getting into position on your own. :p

Have never struggled getting in to position. See vid in log of 50's :cool:

That's a big old drop for BB bench down from DB's, y u do dis? Fatigue?
Benny, I figured after 6 sets of decent weight DB pressing, 60kg wasn't that shameful :p probably could've done 65kg, but definitely fatigued by that point.

Also it's not that it's "difficult" getting in to position; I've no doubt I could with 50s too. But the effort it takes to get them there and that first rep from maximum flexion takes away a rep or two from the set I find, once you're in to your second and third set at least.
A week off, very tiring weekend and a terrible diet recently, but still a decent "back to it" workout:
DB press
22.5kg 8
32.5kg 8/8/6

Lateral raises SS BB front raise
10kg / 15kg

80kg 12/12/12
Backy wacky
Pull Ups
BW 8/8/8

Tbar Row
40kg 10/10/10
20kg 12/15

34kg 8/8/8
25kg 10/10/10

Suppinated grip lat pull down
50kg 10/10/10

40kg 20
Flat BB bench
20kg 10
60kg 8
80kg 3
90kg 8/6/4
DS 60kg 6
70kg 8

Incline DB Press
32kg 8/7/6
26kg 6

Cable Crossovers
10kg 12/12/12

Cable triceps/10

Not a great session, no real strength, no real stamina. A week off always ruins a chest workout for me, and having lat DOMS didn't help me maintain my stable back, which we all know is the key to a strong chest.
Did some deadlifts today, haven't done them in a LONG time and was definitely weak and tired.

60kg 10
100kg 6
140kg 3
160kg 3/3
100kg 8

Then lots if arm work.
A back-to-it session after quite a nasty pulled trap. Still haven't got my stability back, and strength isn't great from having time off, but a very enjoyable session. Some rests were very short, some were normal.

BB Bench
60kg 8
90kg 8/6
80kg 8
60kg 12/12

Incline DB bench
30kg 6
26kg 10/8

Cable cross overs
20kg 12
25kg 8/10

Lots of tricep cable work
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Yeah I squeeze them in at lunch, missed out all the tricep work I did as well.

Trap I pulled sleeping, mireful effort. Had a few treatments from my GFs Dad, but not much you can do when the muscle is still in spasm!
It's far more debilitating than you realise. Driving is a pain, forgetting you've got a bad neck and turning is a killer, holding your big heavy head up becomes tiresome.
He assured me it was completely normal for it to happen during treatment, said I don't need to feel embarrassed and he can order new covers for the treatment bench anyway!
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