Spartans unite! Tonight, we dine on the NHS!

Trained after work yesterday, them training after work feels.
60kg 8
100kg 5
140kg 8/8/8
100kg 8
60kg 12

Leg Press
150kg 12
200kg 10
240kg 10/10

Leg Ext SS squats
45kg 15/15
BW 15/15

Hammy Curlz single leg
25kg 12/12
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Oh it was tough, but plan on hitting 145 for same reps next week. Honestly I can barely walk today.

Yeah I might have to continue training legs after work, the extra time is nice!
+ a whole day of nutrition before hand! ;)

If it wasn't for Wendler progressive loading I'd not be able to walk myself fortunately the volume isn't too bad.
Sadly I trained after work because of travelling for a meeting; not a day of good nutrition! Stopped at Marks and Sparks for some Salmon sandwiches, flapjack and Frittatas. Being of foreign blood, you must like frittatas too? They're amazing; solid omlettes, quiche without the pastry, eggy eggy yum yum.

What sort of leg press is at your gym, we have one like this, which maxes out at 250kg with all red 25kgs loaded on.

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Fireskull, much like that one yes. But I just realised I must've massively had my numbers out, to the point of each set being overestimated by 100kg! LOL. Strong maths. Amended.
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